Chapter Twelve

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*Couple hours before*

Sirius and Regulus had arrived home, being dropped off by Charlus, "Fidelius?" he asked, seeing the missing number between 11 Grimmauld Place and 13 Grimmauld Place. The two teens nodded and disappeared and so Charlus left. Sirius and Regulus had entered their house to hear things being torn apart, "Master Sirius, Master Regulus, welcome home," Kreature said, appearing in front of them. Sirius and Regulus stared at him with odd looks, before looking up the steps, "Master Orion practiced shifting and is now destroying things," Kreature said.

Sirius and Regulus had gone up the stairs and found a big black dog ripping things that looked like maybe clothes apart, "Dad?" they both said. It still felt weird for them to say Dad again instead of Father, although they still do it in formal events. The dog stopped and looked at the brothers before morphing back into Orion, "I'm ripping Walbitcha's things apart, want in?" he was answered with his sons becoming his pups. The three black dogs started tearing apart the rest of what the biggest, Orion, had already ripped apart.

A few hours later, Orion had been called to the Floo and when he exited, he looked at his sons, "That was Braeden, apparently he can legally take Severus now...the Potters will be there too," he quickly added, wanting to know why they would be involved in this. The two nodded, "Did you get the address?" Sirius asked. Orion shook his head, "We are going to Le Fay Manor first."

Charlus had just exited a floo call and looked nervously at his wife, "What?" she asked. Charlus explained what he was just told and Dorea understood why he was nervous. They walked up to James' room and entered to see him putting paste on his scars making them wince even more. "James," Charlus said and James had turned to look at them, "Put the paste down first," he added. James put the paste down and somehow kept his cool when he was told the situation. James simply got ready and the three Potters went to Le Fay Manor.

Braeden looked up from his paperwork seeing Hades in front of him, "Dad?" he asked cautiously, knowing his father well enough that he knew he wasn't in a good mood. "Severus is coming into his powers, he has to learn of his heritage, kill Tobias while you're at it, I'm sure James will sense something off of him," he said. Braeden called Cassia in and she was excited to see her grandfather but also knew what was coming. "Does that mean Jay can come over more, or I can go to his?" she asked innocently. Braeden just grumbled while Hades hid a smirk, while he didn't want his precious granddaughter with a boy, it was a boy she was meant to be with. Braeden opened the floo and the Potters were the first through, and James immediately spotted Cassia and went to sit with her and they started a quiet conversation, Braeden turned to the Potters with a scowl, "I'll allow him here, if they agree to keep the door open," he stated. Charlus and Dorea nodded in agreement before Charlus said, "You're really looking like Hades right now," resulting in a snort from Hecate who just arrived, "Hi mom!" came from Cassia. Hecate waved back while the Black's arrived and Orion gave a cheeky wink towards Thanatos who had also arrived. The plan was made.

Braeden, with Orion and Charlus behind him, knocked on the door, "I'm here to collect your son," he said when Tobias opened the door, smelling like his favorite past time was diving in a wet dumpster. Tobias just grunted and the three men took out there wands and saw his eyes widen in fear. The three men had mastered the sadistic smirk, although Charlus' was more mischievous, Orion's more mad, and Braeden's was dark. Charlus had begun to torture the muggle with the oh so classic "Crucio!"

Tobias had screamed as James entered, "He has many, many, debts. And he snapped a witch's wand, and he's the father of a wizard, he's seen things," then his eyes flickered and Tobias' eyes went bye-bye as James collected his eyes and walked away, motioning for his father to continue. James found Braeden talking to a ghost, "Is that Eileen?" he asked, noticing the enjoyment she had watching Tobias get tortured. Braeden nodded and James studied the woman, "I think Hades has a type," he said and turned back hearing the man and ghost snort. Cassia and the Black brothers entered and went to stand with him, "What's in your hand?" Sirius asked.

"His eye balls," James said as if it was no big deal.

"O...kay, cool, gross, but cool," Sirius responded. The eye balls were soon destroyed making Tobias scream more, apparently he thought he was just blind, not that his eyes had actually been taken out. The group of four had walked up the stairs to find where Severus was.

*Present Time*

Severus stared in shock at the four people in front of him, "W-what?" he stuttered. Then he jumped as soon as he heard a dog growling and even more scaring, "Oh, your dad changed again?" an Irish accent called him back to the four in front of him and the brothers were smirking and nodding while Cassia (who asked the question) looked as if she wanted to go back down stairs but James wouldn't let her, resulting in her pouting very cutely. James sighed, "Okay just don't get blood on you," Cassia beamed, kissed his cheek and went down the stairs. Sirius and Regulus were looking at the Potter in wonder, "What? She was upset she didn't get to see the eyeballs," James said in his defense.

The three looked back at Severus, "You have a half-brother who legally is your guardian now, so I repeat, get your shit, you're going with us," Sirius said. Severus slowly started moving and jumped again as another scream sounded out, "And please ignore your stepfather getting murdered," Regulus commented, giving the greasy haired teen a hint. He caught the hint, he didn't know he had a half-brother, was his father actually his father? Apparently not as he was just referred to as a step father. Footsteps came up to the room, and Charlus entered and magically packed everything and shrunk them into one other shrunken bag, "You were being too slow, let's go."

The group had gone down the stairs to see a giddy Cassia sitting on the steps, "Braeden your daughter scares me," Charlus told his friend. Braeden turned back to him with a smirk, "She's gonna be your daughter in law," he countered. Severus looked at the bloody room, and Tobias Snape's corpse on the floor, with no eye balls. Severus looked at James with wide eyes, now knowing what eye balls Cassia had been pouting about. Severus snapped out of his shock when Sirius said, "You got a little," and motioned to his face, Severus had turned and saw Lord Black had been their too and he was wiping blood off of his face and hands. The group walked out of the house, and Severus noticed the green mist Cassia's mother had, had surrounded the house. They apparated away and appeared in front of the three deities again, while some kindly ones went and cleaned the house and destroy Tobias' body.

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