44: mafia

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danger bitches 🤪🔪

yeahisurehopeitdoes: guys let's play mafia

knives: not funny.

yeahisurehopeitdoes: what

knives: that's not a funny joke peter

yeahisurehopeitdoes: it's not a joke ms natasha widow

youknowhoiam: oh natashalie

knives: what? i just think that asking people to play mafia isn't funny

strange_itsstrange: wait ur serious

birdman3: woah. i never knew there was something natasha romanoff didn't know

knives: what

fridgemagnet: how have you never played mafia?

knives: well now ur just teasing me. oh and how would you, a literal senior citizen know a pop culture reference

fridgemagnet: mafia was around when steve and i were growing up 🤨

knives: what the actual fuck. steve.

starspangledman: it's true.... it was the only thing we could play with me sick all the time. we called it werewolf though.

youknowhoiam: even steve knows this natasha. STEVE.

starspangledman: ouch

tor: well i do not know of this mafia game. but isn't the mafia the gangs you have. we encountered some in the city of new york right?

yeahisurehopeitdoes: oh yeah. they're everywhere. each mafia has their own territory tho. the black mafia has harlem. italian has little italy, obviously. chinese mafia has chinatown. hell's kitchen can kind of go anyway depending on the day. but it's also block by block in certain areas.

knives: kid how do you know this

yeahisurehopeitdoes: OH Jamaicans have queens and some of brooklyn too. i live here. u pick up on stuff.

redwigglywoos: 🤔

knives: i searched up this mafia thing.

youknowhoiam: can we play

knives: now why would someone call it mafia. assholes.

starspangledman: does someone have a grocery list going

pepperandsalt: always. what do u need?

starspangledman: orange juice and frosted flakes please. thank you pepper.

pepperandsalt: no problem.

knives: you wanna know why we need orange juice? cause steve drinks ALL OF IT

starspangledman: sorry nat i'll make it up to you 🙂

knives: the only reason i'm caving is because ur right next to me and ur really cute

starspangledman: muahahahahha

birdman3: wow. next time anyone needs something from nat. just look like steve and she'll do it.

fridgemagnet: i hate to break it to you sam, but you don't look like steve.
hey people. i live in nyc and i finished watching the defenders saga, and all of the shows are about the city and some sort of mafia or gang. and it's SO TRUE. omg it's crazy how accurate it all is, and im a neighborhood away from hell's kitchen and I walk in it sometimes and it gets interesting fo sho. okay ily all <3

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