18: bikinis

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ok so think of this part as like a chat but could be in real life idk

danger bitches 🤪🔪

youknowwhoiam: wake up

starspangledman: no

knives: i don't think i could physically move if i wanted to

starspangledman: NATASHA... i moved my arm

knives: 🤷‍♀️

youknowwhoiam: i cannot stand this, romanogers, no one wants to see this so everyone get off your asses and let's go to the beach

birdman3: someone is cranky

blintcarton: swim?

youknowwhoiam: is that a real question

blintcarton: swim?

youknowwhoiam: 😤yes

blintcarton: 👍🏼

at beach

redwigglywoos: omg nat is that what i think it is

birdman3: DAMN GURL

roadworkahead: no cause this is a look

blintcarton: i never thought i would say this. but
you look A - MA - ZING in a bikini

starspangledman: i think you look terrible

fridgemagnet: STEVE

knives: thanks 😏

blintcarton: wait what

birdman3: so... steve was rude to a woman he's got heart eyes for and she just thanked him

knives: aw. it's cute you guys being confused

youknowwhoiam: steve help

starspangledman: nope

knives: hey remember this barnes?

fridgemagnet: the bullet wound?

knives: yup, twas all u

fridgemagnet: i don't know what to say now someone get me outta this

starspangledman: hehehehe they'll never know

knives: it's a good thing

starspangledman: swim?

knives: sure 🙃

redwigglywoos: wut

toaster: that was certainly odd

pietrotime: WANDA I NEED HELP

redwigglywoos: oh no, what is it this time?


fridgemagnet: heh you met fury

pietrotime: someone h e l p

youknowwhoiam: you can take the guy out of the agent but not the agent out of the guy

birdman3: wut🌝

heyyyy i'm alive! hope you all had an amazing Christmas if you celebrate! and 2022 is around the corner so i might not post before that so happy new year? idrk all i know is i love every single one of you and this has consistently stayed in the top romanogers stories, and considering it's my fave ship..... it makes me very happy 😭 now go and eat some food drink some water, nothing is going anywhere <3


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