19: partayyy

793 26 11

danger bitches 🤪🔪

youknowwhoiam: we deserve a party

spacelesbean: you know i'm like in the middle of space right?

youknowwhoiam: do i care?

blintcarton: ouch

spacelesbean: how do people like you

pepperandsalt: i ask myself that all the time

knives: uhhhh should we be worried

starspangledman: i think? no one really knows

youknowwhoiam: you people have no faith in my relationship

pietrotime: yup

redwigglywoos: pretty much

fridgemagnet: sounds about right

birdman3: mhmm

pepperandsalt: yea

youknowhoiam: PEPPER. NOT YOU TOO!!!

pepperandsalt: 🌝

youknowhoiam: you know what? i'm going to go and blow something up in my lab to get over these feelings.

30 minutes later

youknowhoiam: ok my blowing up time is over

knives: go away

knives: seconded -steve

blintcarton: steve, text on your own phone

knives: but it makes no sense when nats is right by me -steve

knives: steve please text on your own phone

knives: can you pass it to me -steve

knives: sure give me a second

starspangledman: ok i'm here 💪🏼

birdman3: it's like he never left

youknowhoiam: how did the attention leave me?

redwigglywoos: how was the attention ever on you?

knives: gosh i love you wanda

redwigglywoos: i love you toooo

starspangledman: ouch

knives: steve, wanda is not the one in my bed right now

redwigglywoos: i am in spirit

starspangledman: 🥲

youknowhoiam: it's like i'm not even here

blintcarton: true

youknowhoiam: we're having a party tomorrow. dress fancy. look good. don't be sad. get drunk.

knives: classic stark party

spacelesbean: i'm so glad i'm in space
so so so so sorry i haven't updated, i just haven't had any ideas but i promise i will try to pick it back up again more. i love all of you, i love this story (most of the time) and i will update soon!!

with much love

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