15: how was your day?

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private message

redwigglywoos: and how was your day today?

knives: we kissed

redwigglywoos: i'm sorry what now

knives: steve

redwigglywoos: 🤨

knives: steve and i kissed

redwigglywoos: on the cheek or something?

knives: lips

redwigglywoos: ok was it interesting or just like a peck

knives: tongue

redwigglywoos: that's good right?

knives: i'm still kind of in shock so i have no emotion right now

redwigglywoos: natasha this is a good thing

knives: how do you know?

redwigglywoos: you feel very strongly ab him right?

knives: yes

redwigglywoos: then what's so bad about kissing him and maybe being in a relationship with him

knives: well when you put it like that...

redwigglywoos: see?

knives: wanda

redwigglywoos: yeah?

knives: steve kissed me

redwigglywoos: i'm guessing some of that shock must be wearing off right now

knives: yeah it's sitting in

redwigglywoos: i'm going to leave you to that

knives: okay 👌🏼

mission romanogers

redwigglywoos: IN UR FACES BITCHES

youknowwhoiam: this can't be good

birdman3: what did you do now

redwigglywoos: i ✨win✨

rollingdownahill: uh no you don't

redwigglywoos: yes i do

fridgemagnet: well how can we believe you

redwigglywoos: ask nat

spacelesbean: gurl ur not making much sense right now

yeahisurehopeitdoes: wait, if she won than that means that mr cap and ms natasha got together

fridgemagnet: the end of the month is in two days so it's cutting it close if she did win.

redwigglywoos: oh but i DID win

blintcarton: uh huh. sure

redwigglywoos: natasha texted me and was all like: steve and i kissed

birdman3: she just said that?

redwigglywoos: no, there was a little bit of hOw wAs yOuR dAy action going on

toaster: did they really kiss or was it just a half kiss

rollingdownahill: a what now?

redwigglywoos: she said it was with tongue 👅


fridgemagnet: ew

fastandfurious: just because you have the information doesn't mean i have to.

rollingdownahill: i need to go touch grass

spacelesbean: i am forever scarred

yeahisurehopeitdoes: if anyone really cared for me they would throw me out a window right now

youknowwhoiam: i'm with the kid

pepperandsalt: i think it's kind of sweet

rollingdownahill: respectfully, i like to see them dating but i can't deal with the whole description of kissing and all of that shit

youknowwhoiam: amen

redwigglywoos: well they are dating so i win.

redwigglywoos: pay up

thanks so much for 4k reads and all the love and comments on this story. it really just brings me joy and i love seeing what all you think... so thanks and i hope you continue to like this :) also how did you guys like the ten min of all too well? I LOVED IT SM. ok i don't want to make you read more!!

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