Chapter 26

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Just before the house came into view, Guy pulled at the reins of his horse. From his arms, Cassia looked up at him, puzzled.

"Why have you stopped?"

He dropped to the ground. Looking up at her with a little smile, he reached up to take her hand.

"If I return with you in this way, holding you in my arms like a grand prize won, I do not think Stephen will look favorably upon us." He kissed her hand, letting his lips press against her skin for a long moment. Then, taking hold of the reins, he led his horse up the long and graveled drive.

Almost at the moment they arrived, they were surrounded by several members of the household - many of whom came running towards them only to stop half-way, seeing Cassia upon Guy's dark horse and unsure of what to make of it. It was Rosalyn who at last came forward - though she stopped just short of coming directly to Guy himself.

"Cassia, thank heavens! We have been looking everywhere for you. Your aunt, especially. Are you well?"

As he helped her down from the horse, he saw the lovely way she smiled. "I am quite well, I assure you," she said – and from where she now stood at his side, she looked up at him once again.

As he handed his horse off to a groom, Rosalyn took Cassia by the hand and pulled her close - walking with her towards the front steps. He could hear them speaking softly to one another.

"Dearest, you seem a different person. What has happened?"

Cassia's eyes sparkled with joy. "Oh Rosalyn, it is a miracle. My true love has returned to me." She gripped the hands of her sister-in-law, whose eyes grew wide with disbelief as she looked between the two of them.

"This? This man is the one you have been longing for?"

"Yes, he is."

Rosalyn shook her head, stunned. "How can this be?"

"It is a gift from God. A blessing such as I never thought to have."

"Are you quite certain of him? He seems so..."

Cassia grinned. "I know he appears quite dark and fearsome. But there is another side to him. A wonderful, loving side to him."

There was much skepticism in Rosalyn's expression - and concern. "I would be quite fearful of such a man."

Guy felt her eyes on him - examining him with curiosity as he talked to the groom. For several moments she studied him - and then she sighed, a more optimistic light coming to her eyes.

"He is quite handsome - in a rakish sort of way." She turned her eyes to Cassia, and smiled sweetly. "And he seems to have brought out such light in you. I wish you every happiness, dear sister."

They embraced - just as Stephen came thundering up the walk, his white charger scattering gravel as it skidded to a stop. Leaping to the ground, he seemed quite upset as he approached his sister.

"Cassia! Good God! You had the entire household in an uproar!"

She lowered her head slightly, but she could not fully hide her smile – even if it was Stephen she was responding to.

"I am well, brother. You need not be concerned any longer."

Guy walked up to stand beside her, slightly concerned that Stephen might act out in some way. But they were interrupted by a voice from within the house. They were Agatha's familiar tones – as bold as ever.

"There is no need for shouting, oh mighty baron! Our dear Cassia is unharmed, and from the looks of things, she is happy. What more could you hope for?"

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