Chapter 27

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The house was falling into silence as it was shut down for the night. In Cassia's room, she stood still as her lady-maid helped her out of her evening gown. Celeste was a kindly young woman, and entirely devoted to her new mistress. But Cassia still found it awkward to have a personal attendant. It was but one of many adjustments she was making in her new life, and she was not entirely sure she liked it. But at least she had a familiar face to look at now. Looking over at Agatha, she smiled.

"I am so happy to have you here."

Agatha, who was occupied with knitting, looked up and smiled back.

"Your Sir Guy is quite a persuasive fellow. And in his way, very charming."

Cassia gave a little laugh. "He has his moments. I am glad you have found something of his worthiness." Her smile lessened then. She lowered her eyes. "I only wish that Stephen could see it for himself."

Nothing was said for a few minutes as Celeste helped her into a sleeveless nightdress. It was a pretty garment made of white linen, with white silk ribbon ties and gold-colored embroidery around the skirt hem. It was soft, as well. Not at all like the rough material of the shifts she had always worn to bed. A heated thought came to her mind.

If Guy could see me in this...

A flush of heat warmed her face as she neared the bed. If she had her way, he would see the nightdress, and so much more. And it would be soon.

A tiny grin formed in the corner of her mouth. And it was not unnoticed.

"I see that look, my girl."

Embarrassed, Cassia tried to mask it. "What look?"

Putting down her knitting, Agatha waved the maid away. Waiting until Celeste had gone around the corner into the next room, she turned to Cassia with a knowing look.

"You think to go to him tonight."

For a moment, she thought to deny it. But she and Agatha knew each other too well for that. Rising from the bed, she took to walking slowly before the fire.

"Oh, Agatha. I have missed him so very much. Now that he is restored to me, I cannot bear to be apart from him. Especially at night."

"Judging from his behavior during our journey," said Agatha, "He suffers from a similar ailment of the heart."

With a smile, Cassia came to her aunt and knelt on the floor at her feet. They held hands, and Agatha placed a palm to her cheek.

"He loves you quite madly, you know. You cannot know how badly he pined for you all along the way. And I imagine he is waiting for you at this very moment, fully prepared to come and fetch you if you do not arrive soon."

They laughed softly together, like two young girls conspiring. Agatha's voice was tender with understanding.

"Be cautious in your journey to him. There is likely to be a night-watchman about, eager to catch a wayward young lass who is seeking her lover."

Rising up, Cassia embraced Agatha and kissed her cheek. Agatha hugged her back, and she stood, gathering her knitting.

"I am off to sleep, dearest. If I can sleep in this cavern of a bed they have put me in." At the doorway to her room, which was right next to Cassia's, she turned to her with a cheeky expression.

"I trust that you will sleep very well indeed."

With a grin, Cassia turned away as Agatha left. She sat on the edge of her bed, waiting for the right moment to come.

After a fair amount of time had passed - the fire had burned down to embers as she had waited - she rose to her feet, unable to delay a moment longer. Going to the door, she cracked it open, peeking into the hall. All was quiet and darkness. Carefully closing her chamber door behind her, she slinked down the corridor, silent as a cat, feeling her way along the wall, moving carefully past the stairway. The guest quarters were on the other side of the house, some distance away from the family chambers. She was not quite sure which room was his, but it would not be too difficult to find. He was the only guest in residence at the moment, and though there were several rooms to choose from, she was certain he would leave her some clue. Looking down the corridor, she strained her eyes - and was just able to see a light underneath a door. She smiled, knowing she had found the right place. She tiptoed to the door, taking a deep breath as she paused at the threshold. She lifted the latch - and slipped quietly in.

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