Chapter 14

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Riding through the marketplace, he hardly noticed his surroundings. He had spent the morning arranging matters for the tournament. But after a time, he had grown tired of his duty – his soul too despairing to tolerate it any further.

He took to riding without care for a destination, and found himself wandering through the marketplace. Ordinarily, it would have been his mission to look for signs of trouble - but his head was too full of other thoughts to concern himself with that. His feelings were in too much turmoil to worry about the useless residents around him.

Why had she not kept her word?

It was a question that had swirled round and round in his head all night, disturbing his sleep. He had anticipated the joy of her warm, passionate softness in his bed. Instead, he had slept alone – his misery cutting him like a blade. His misery had not left him in the light of day, and it was with him now. He wanted to believe that some dire circumstance had kept her away. She was the only woman he had ever made a real effort to trust - and even now, he clung to the hope that his faith in her was not in vain. But old memories and betrayals haunted him, making him wonder if she had chosen to let him be nothing more than a memory to her – a brief encounter best left forgotten. Would she discard him so easily, as so many others had?

He stopped his horse and leaned forward in the saddle, letting out a despondent sigh as he cast his glance aside.

A hooded figure caught his eye. There was something familiar about that female form, hidden even as it was in a long cloak. He sat up straight, his senses heightened.


He knew it was her. Even without seeing her face to face, he knew her. Dropping down from his horse, tying him to a nearby post, he stealthily pursued her. He waited for the right moment. It would not do to have a confrontation out in the open. He saw her heading towards a certain path, one that he knew went by several houses and alleyways – and an apothecary, in particular. It was there that she entered. With a soldier's stealth, he circled around back and waited, preparing to intercept her. He waited with impatience – and at last, the moment was upon him.

She exited the shop – and gasped as he snatched her by the arm, yanking her into the shadows.

"Deceitful witch!" he cursed her. He pressed her against the wall - his eyes wild as they stared at one another.

A tumult of wild emotions fought for mastery of his heart and mind as he looked at her. Those eyes – those exquisite eyes. She was really here, standing right before him. He was torn between the desire to clasp her in his arms and ravish her mouth with a kiss – and the need to shake her senseless. His hands shook as he grasped her arms.

"Explain yourself!"

Her response was bold - her tone as fearless as ever. "I did not deceive you!"

She fought against his hold, but he would not release her - not when he had her after all this time. And he demanded an answer.

"You made a promise to come to me and you did not! I will have an explanation!"

With a strength that stunned him, she wrestled out of his hold – followed by the issue of a vicious curse as she shoved him backwards.

"You selfish bastard! My father is dying!"

Her eyes were like flaming daggers. And as quickly as his temper had exploded, it just as rapidly dissipated – dissolving into a great sense of shame.

He was so overjoyed to see her again. But as he looked at her, seeing the tears shining in her eyes, his sense of self-loathing grew tenfold. He hardly knew what to say to her.

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