Chapter 23

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He could hardly believe the news. He, Guy of Gisborne, had been cleared of any and all charges in relation to the coup against King Richard. Sitting at the table in the kitchen, with Agatha and Bertram nearby, he shook his head in disbelief.

"How is this possible?" he asked. "I have long been attached to Briewere and have not been able to detach myself. How is it that the king himself has cleared me of any wrongdoing?"

Looking at the pair before him, he noticed the way that they looked at one another – and his suspicions were quickly aroused.

"What is that look your share between you?"

Agatha shrugged. "Oh, nothing. Just a rumor that I heard of late, of which Bertram here first got wind. A strange tale, it is."

"Indeed strange," Bertram agreed.

"It seems that the honorable Hugh DePuiset had a religious experience of sorts. He claims that he was visited by heavenly spirits, and that those same spirits convinced him of your innocence."

Guys eyes widened in disbelief. He grasped for understanding.

"Spirits?" he said.

Bertram nodded. "Yes, spirits. And it seems those same spirits visited Charles Briewere – although, it seems they were not kind enough to save him from the judgment of the courts."

In his heart, Guy felt a tiny pang of sorrow – for he knew exactly what judgments they were speaking of.

Briewere was, at that very moment, on trial for high treason against the king. There would be no escaping his fate. And when he was put to death, the whole of Nottingham - and possible all of Yorkshire as well - would revel in the celebration of it. And it would be one more cause for happiness added to another, as all of England was in a jubilee over the return of Richard, the Lionheart.

But Guy could find little reason to join in the festivities – not when his own trials had just begun.

Looking at Bertram, he gave a slight smile.

"We are soon to part company. Are you certain you will not change your mind and accompany us to Bordeaux?"

Bertram, of course, shook his head in refusal.

"My life is here, Gisborne."

Guy nodded. Extending his hand in a friendly and honest gesture, he gladly shook the hand of the man who had twice saved his life.

"I wish you God speed, shepherd. I owe you a debt I cannot begin to repay."

Bertram shrugged – and smiled. Standing behind Agatha, he placed two gentle hands on her shoulders. "Take good care of this lady, and we will call it even."

They all looked at one another with affection. It amazed him to think that, not so long ago, they had been strangers to one another – and never could he have imagined what they now seemed to be.

They had become a family.

He only wished that Cassia could be there to see it.

Thinking of her, he rose to his feet in anticipation of the journey to come. Looking at Agatha, he wore a crooked grin.

"Well, old woman. I think we had best prepare for the journey ahead."

She rolled her eyes – but was smiling as she stood up.

"Impatient as ever," she said. "You have barely recovered, Guy of Gisborne. A few more days of rest and healing would do you good."

To that, he gave an indignant but almost joyful snort.

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