Chapter 19

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All was settled - the arrangements for their departure finally complete. He sighed with anxiousness as he made his way back to the cottage. Until they were on-board a ship and surrounded by the waters of the channel, he was certain his nervousness would not go away.

He was soon greatly pacified, however, by the thought of who was waiting for him.

Riding up to the house, he saw her a distance away, standing in the nearby field of wildflowers. How perfect she looked at that moment - a basket of flowers on her arm, and a tender blossom held to her nose. Her hair was loose and flowing down her back, giving her such a relaxed and care-free look. His heart fluttered at the sight – and he called out to her. She waved in response...and instantly turned back to her flowers. A grin came to his lips. He was not offended nor surprised that she seemed to have dismissed him. Riding up to her, he teased her as he slid from his horse.

"I must come to you, rather than you to me. Is that how things will be between us?"

As he approached her, he delighted in her cheeky smile.

"If I acted the lovesick fool, always rushing to your arms, there would be no thrill of anticipation. And anticipation makes love more joyful. Do you not think so?"

Loving her playfulness, he put his arms around her and kissed her, reveling in the sweet little sound of pleasure that she made – even as she pushed at his chest. It was becoming a familiar gesture to him – a gesture of affection, usually a kiss, followed by a push and teasing words.

"I was beginning to wonder if you had traveled on without me."

Smiling down at her, he kissed her again – and taking her by the hand, he led her into the house. He had a gift for her, and he was eager to give it to her – but her words gave him pause, as did the sudden change in her countenance. Her eyes and expression became almost sober.

"Do not be concerned, my love. But I saw Friar Tuck today."

Now it was his expression that changed. He had certainly not expected that a member of Robin Hood's gang would be involved in all of this. But he remained calm, being careful not to jump to any conclusions. Gently, he questioned the new development.

"What business did you have with him?"

"I sought his consolation," she replied.

"Did you?"

He watched her as she walked about, a thoughtful look crossing her features. She moved to the window, where she stood looking out.

"Of late, I have been quite conflicted," she said. "I am sure you are well aware of this."

He gave a slight smile. "Yes. And such feelings are understandable. What did the good friar say?"

"He urged me to do what I know to be right - that the Almighty knows the secrets of my heart."

"And what have you decided?"

She turned back to him then. Approaching him, she moved into his arms – resting her head against his chest. He gathered her close, resisting the urge to turn her face up and kiss her – allowing her to speak freely. He could sense that what she intended to say was of importance to both of them. So he gave her his full attention.

"I want to be with you, and you alone," she said. "And I am now at peace with my chosen path. I love you, Guy. And nothing will change that."

At last, he thought, his spirit soaring. She was finally allowing herself to love him freely. His heart overflowed at the prospect of love without remorse or hesitation. He pressed his forehead to hers, the tenderness of his feelings coming close to overwhelming him. His voice became soft with emotion.

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