Chapter 18

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Contains Mature Content


A feeling of awareness was returning to him as he woke from a deep slumber. He stretched his limbs - a sense of great satisfaction flowing through his body and soul as he came awake. He could not recall having ever slept so soundly – and neither could he recall ever feeling so completely content. A small but wicked smile began forming on his lips as he remembered the reasons why. Turning his head where it rested on the pillow, he expected to see the soft and womanly source of his happiness – his tangible means of pure joy - lying next to him.

Instead, he found he was quite alone.

Becoming more alert, he lifted his head - looking around with a growing sense of concern. Where had she gone? Surely, she had not run away, as before. Instantly, he chastised himself for such a thought. No, she would not have done that – not after this. Rising from the bed, moving along cautiously in the dark, he first looked for her in the front room - but did not find her there. For a moment, he resisted the urge to call out for her - his pride telling him not to play the part of a desperate fool. But the house was small, and if she was not in the front hall or the bedroom, then where was she? What if Edwin had come in while they were asleep and snatched her away?

"Cassia?" he called out. "Where are you?"

The answer came instantly, as if she had anticipated it. It was faint and soft - coming from the rear of the house.

"I am here."

He let out the breath he had briefly held, feeling a sense of relief - and stupidity.

Irrational fool, he cursed himself. Stepping out the rear door, he found her sitting on the stoop. She was in her linen shift, resting with her arms around her knees. Lord, what a luscious sight she was!

"I found myself alone," he said, crouching down to take a seat beside her. "A most disagreeable prospect." The corner of his mouth crinkled up. Taking her hand, he kissed it – and a mischievous light shined in his eyes. "Do you find my company unpleasant?"

It delighted him to tease her, for he felt so very light of heart at that moment. Never had he felt quite so joyous. She looked so beautiful to him, sitting there in a thin garment that did little to hide her features. His senses tingled and warmed - his heart and mind convinced that a more elegant and tempting creature had never been born. To his question, she replied in her soft way...

"I find your company most pleasant."

For a moment, he relished in her obvious reference to their very spirited reunion. But he came to the realization that there was something else in her reply – something troubling. His spirits were tempered by it. He reached for her other hand, lightly caressing both.

"Then why are you here? Alone?" he asked, "And wearing such a brooding look?"

He saw the way that she kept her eyes averted. The dark of night was all around them - but the faint light of the moon allowed him to see just enough of her face to realize that something was wrong. But of course, she denied it.

"It is nothing," she said.

He prodded her to tell the truth – but he did so with a playful little smile. "Will you not confide in me?"

At last, she looked him fully in the eyes – but still, she shook her head. "I do not wish to burden you."

Stubborn witch, he thought. He saw that he would have to coax the answer out of her - and not with force. He was at last beginning to understand that the easiest way to compromise with her was to be gentle and loving – and in doing so, his rich reward would be her affections. Taking her into his arms, he held to her firmly but gently - and he was immediately gifted with the warmth of her embrace. He delighted in the feeling of her head against his heart. The essence of her was overwhelming.

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