Chapter 15

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A lump of misery felt permanently lodged in the back of her throat. Sitting next to Stephen, she had suffered through one act of sport after another, feeling neither joy nor interest - except for when Stephen himself had participated in his competition. He was unseated from his horse in the joust, which frightened her terribly - but he came back strong in the hand-to-hand combat and emerged victorious. She despised these manly games of blood, sweat, and masculine pride. But despite her revulsion for the sports, she could not help wondering...

Where was Guy in all of this?

His absence was concerning. Surely, he would be competing in such a match. After all, he had readily engaged in a public bout of aggression with Edwin, and he had won. So why was he not somehow displaying his glory? Why had she not seen him, nor heard his name mentioned of late?

She had pleaded with Edwin to be excluded from attendance. But once she had consented, she had consoled herself in one way...

For one last time, she would see Guy on a mighty steed – sitting tall and strong in the saddle. She would see him in all his male splendor...and she would take that image with her forever, clinging to it and to the memories of their brief time together. Reaching up, she wiped a tear from her cheek - her heart throbbing with pain.

Oh Guy, she thought, her heart breaking. If only you were mine to have...

She loved him so - selfish and brooding beast that he was. He was the most difficult man, the most stubborn – and the most bewitching. She knew that for the rest of her days, she would never have such feelings for another man - not even the one she called her husband.

But it was not to be. She belonged to another, and there was nothing that would change it.

It was near dusk, and at last the final event was before them - a battle of swordsmanship between Prince John's nephew and an unnamed competitor. There was a wave of curious excitement through the crowd as the prince stood up in his box, raising his hands. And Cassia gasped when she heard Guy's name announced.

Instantly, there were boos and curses from the crowd. Many of them threw things at him as he entered the competition circle, and Cassia felt the sting of tears in her eyes as she watched the fight begin.

It seemed evenly matched for a time, as far as skill went. Neither seemed willing to relent - their swords and shields hammering away as the crowd wavered between joy and hate. But very quickly, Cassia sensed that something was not right. Guy was a large man, and very athletic. The prince's nephew was tall, but not nearly as well-built. It seemed to her that Guy should have been able to best him easily - and yet, it appeared as though he struggled to keep up. Why was he not giving his all? She watched, eyes wide with attention, as the fight went on. Guy received a blow that drew blood from his arm - his chainmail breaking under the strike of his opponent's sword.

They fought and struggled for some time, the crowd growing wild at the spectacle. For a moment, Guy seemed to rally.

But suddenly – and it seemed to come from somewhere near the royal box – there was a glint of blinding light that shined in Guy's eyes. And seeing the opening, John's nephew struck a blow to Guy's face. Cassia watched, horrified, as Guy clutched his nose – blood gushing from it. He fell to the ground and lay still – not even moving when the prince's nephew stood over him, his boot upon his neck. The crowd roared in approval. The prince and the sheriff stood in the box, applauding wildly. And Cassia pressed her hands to her mouth, trembling with despair.

Stephen, ever vigilant, remarked on her reaction.

"You weep for Gisborne?"

Cassia felt his eyes upon her, examining her face. Her answer was instant and strong – her anger at the injustice undisguised.

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