7. Detail

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"I think I might actually shit myself." Soobin said while holding for dear life on the desk. His face was the whitest it had ever been, and just by the tone of his voice everyone could already tell his throat was completely dry.

The three students were sit, waiting for their turn to present one of the most important projects of the semester. Two of them were already seniors, the last one, was just a kid, or rather, a bunch of nerves forming a person, frightened beyond comprehension from having to introduce himself in front of all the people that were there.

"Dude, stop it or all of us are gonna shit ourselves." Hoseok, who normally would have tried to calm him down said, now a little bit stressed by his classmate's demeanor "We just have to get through this, and we'll be done."

"Right." Namjoon was the one to try to calm down Soobin with some innocent physical touch on his shoulder. "And we only need to present this, most of the lines are mine, I'm the one that should be worried."

Hoseok turned to see Namjoon for just a second. He admired the way his simple gesture was enough to calm any storm. He bit his lip secretly.

"Hyung, you really are amazing. How can you be so clamed!" Soobin said, completely sincere. Namjoon just laughed it away.

"Because he's great." Hoseok said out of the blue, and for a briefly moment tried to touch Namjoon's hands. The dimpled boy got a gut feeling and backed away. "Right?"

Namjoon was about to reply with something when suddenly the teacher called their team out for the presentation of the project in statistics. He wasted no time in replying, and then going up the stage without any trace of fear. Soobin calmed himself down and went after, while Hoseok stayed backstage configurating everything for the presentation, with an odd permanent smile on his face.

It went smoothly, with all of them explaining what had cost them a week of work and barely any sleep. Soobin found himself specially surprised when Namjoon, without showing any of the obvious lacks from basic human need he had, obtained enough energy to even add some little comments and jokes about the teacher that enchanted the audience. She had always biased with her tall, dimpled student, which of course would never admit. Because he was not only incredibly handsome, but charming and smart. Top class.

On the other hand, the numerous students couldn't take their eyes off him at any time while the presentation, and when the time came, there were several raised hands from female classmates trying to make smart questions so that the always quiet Namjoon could notice them. He attended and explained everything with great detail, letting Soobin add some other things more directed to his own major. When everything was over, the teacher announced the end of the class and let students go.

"Well, everyone can expect results of their projects on the platform by Thursday." She said while everyone was walking away. She noticed the pair of Seniors fixing their stuff in the back of the classroom. "Jung, Kim, can you come for a second before you leave?" Both students nodded and walked towards her; once there, the teacher took a moment for everyone to go away and smiled. "I'm so proud of you, boys. Your presentation was brilliant."

"Thank you, teacher." Both said in unison and bowed.

"If you continue to be this way, the forms will be filled without much delay." The teacher mentioned, and both boys immediately turned excited "Yeah, I know, the sooner the better it may seem, but don't get rushed. The best time to apply its just before winter break." She took a moment to search for something on her desk, a pair of papers, which she gave to both men in front of her. "Until then, I need you to work on this key points."

Namjoon read the list and felt the tiredness hit him like a storm.

"But this is a lot, are you sure we can be done by then?" Namjoon asked, with a normal shy voice that sounded three timed deeper than usual.

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