Chapter 18

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Rider took me to his car, stopping for nothing. He was obviously angry from the encounter we just had. He clenched the steering wheel, his knuckles going white. The veins in his forearms were popping out.

"Rider, it's okay," I whispered, pulling his hand into mine.

"No, it's not. He's not going to leave you alone. I've seen it before," he said through clenched teeth. He was driving back to my house.

"Then I'll get a restraining order," I compromised.

"You don't understand. Nothing will stop him from getting you back," he growled.

I frowned. Why was Rusty doing this? After everything he did to me?

"Why? I don't understand," I muttered.

Rider pulled into my driveway. We got out and walked into a mess.

"We really need to clean up," I sighed.

So we started with the kitchen. Rider broke the silence.

"About 3 years ago, Rusty had this girlfriend. She was absolutely amazing, every guys dream, you know? She was beautiful, but it was obvious that she didn't like Rusty. She was into him for the ride. With Rusty came the fight club, and the money, and other guys pawing to be with her. And that was what she enjoyed. She tried to get away from him by hanging around me. She even told him that they were done.  But Rusty became really possessive and wouldn't let her go. He got angry a lot, with her and me, because we would hang out. I didn't even want to be more than friends with her because she wasn't my type but Rusty didn't understand that. He eventually scared her so bad, that she left town. We haven't seen her since. He still talks about her sometimes and tries to figure out where she is. Skylar, listen to me when I say he isn't going to stop," he explained, grabbing my face.

"But he's stopped bothering you about it," I argued.

"Yes, because I told him that I never wanted anything to do with her. I gave him the cold truth and he believed me. He forgave me and we're still friends," he muttered.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"I'm saying that as long as he thinks we are together, the more he is going to harass you," he whispered.

"Don't do this," I whispered, my voice still cracking.

"I can't have you getting hurt because of me," he choked, tears pooling in his eyes.

I shook my head. Words would not come out of my mouth.

"Skylar, you will always be special to me. More than you will ever know. But I'm not going to risk your life just so we can be together. Go live your life the way you want, without me," he finished, kissing my head.

My world came crashing down again. My chest heaved, trying to catch my breath. He turned away and walked out my door.

I stood there, trying to catch my breath, all while crying. The last person I ever cared for just walked out on me, even after he promised not to. There was nobody left for me. There was nothing.

Sorry, it's so short!! I just wanted one more update for tonight! The next chapter will be in Rider's point of view! Thank you for reading!!!♡♡♡

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