chapter 1

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Skylar Peterson was the girl everybody wanted but nobody would try to get. She was tall with black wavy hair that made its way past her shoulder blades. Her gray eyes were piercing and intense. She was quiet but when somebody pissed her off, she spoke her mind.

Skylar had a dark past that nobody knew about. Everybody at South Western knew she had it rough but nobody knew the extent. She didn't talk about it. It's not like she actually had friends to talk to,anyways.

Skylar was relatively knew to the small town of Bay Grove, Georgia. Skylar and her mom moved there 2 years ago.

Skylar was sitting in third period chemistry, doodling in her noteook. She had already taken this class back in New York, and it was a senior class. Georgia didn't offer any higher classes than chemistry.

When the bell finally rang, she packed her things and left the room. She had English next, which wasn't any more exciting than chemistry. She made her way down the hall with few stares.

Down near the bathrooms there was a small crowd forming a circle.

They were all chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Skylar didn't usually intrude into others people's business, but she recognized one of the guys.

Skylar recognized him from calculus, he had given her the notes she missed. And from the looks of it, it looked like he was getting beaten pretty bad.

With Skylar 's past, she was very passionate about bullying. She made her way easily through the pathetic crowd and stepped between(Mark) she thought his name was, and the other guy.

"Knock it off," Skylar stated, clearly.
The crowd around her went silent as they stared in shock.

"Or what? You gonna yell at me?" Laughed the boy with black hair and vivid green eyes. His lip was cut, most likely from the fight.
"Try me," threatened Skylar.

So that's what the green eyed boy did, he stepped around Skylar and kicked Mark in the stomach.

Skylar pulled the mysterious boy away from Mark and stared at him.

The boy stared back with a stupid smirk on her face.

Skylar punched the boy in the face, sending him tumbling backwards. The crowd instantly backed away, suddenly frightened by Skylar. She turned around and helped Mark to his feet.

"You should go to the nurse," Skylar suggested. Then she walked towards English.

Finding Her WayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora