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60 | ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴅ ꜱᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴏꜰ ʜᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ


      IN THE SPAN OF SIX MOONS, THEY'D PASSED THE FLATLANDS, THE GOLDEN FIELDS, THE RHOYNE, THE DOTHRAKI SEA, AND SEA MANTARYS. They'd avoided Old Valyria. Somehow, she'd known when she was close. And she'd also known by the chilling of her spine, that despite how she longed to see it she could not. No matter how much she wondered if she would feel her restlessness quelled by stepping foot back in her ancestral homeland.

      Targaryens are restless, her brother had told her. Because we have no true home. Only thrones. 

      Perhaps that was true, but she was only half Targaryen. And she'd found a home in Robb and their children. Which was the thought that gave her the strength to keep moving past Ghiscar, The Red Waste, and The Jade Sea.  

      They kept going until they made it to the shore of YiTi and they stopped for camp, avoiding civilization. 

      It was hard to travel the known world atop dragonback, as it was not the image of inconspicuousness. The never-ending darkness helped, but they still only stopped when they absolutely could not fly any longer. By their map calculations, this would be the last stop. 

      In the morning, they'd fly over Leng and land in Asshai. From there, they'd look for the two red priestesses who'd come to them long ago. 

      There, they wouldn't have to be as wary as they had been. R'hllor and his servants were their allies. As they called it, they were their servants. 

      "Shhh," she quieted her mount, rubbing her scales as she landed in the sand. They'd scouted in the darkness until they found a cave on the shore. It was big enough to house them for a night. The dragons would guard the entrance. 

      Malaeya unstrapped her saddle and dug her boots into the sand. She squatted and cupped sea water into her hands, warming it before she splashed it onto her face. But that didn't calm the beating of her heart. 


      Malaeya was startled by her nephew. "That obvious?" She stood, crossing her arms in the cold. 

      Jon exhaled heavily, glancing around as Dany began laying out their cots inside the cave. It was routine now. 

      Bran was sitting in the cave, staring at nothing. 

      "No," he finally answered. "Nervous recognizes nervous." 

      His smile was shaky, but she could not bring herself to comfort him. She was barely holding her own self together. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 | Game of ThronesWhere stories live. Discover now