chapter 65

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She had to get away. She couldn't do it. She was hurting, she was cold and hungry.  She had no one.


Emilia couldn't help but frown slightly when she entered school on Monday morning to see Antonio and Lilly. (forgotten her name already, think it was lilly)
The two of them were stood talking and Antonio looked happy.

Of course he did. He didn't need someone like her, she had a messed up life, a messed up past. And Lilly, well she was popular but smart.
Emilia felt like she could never be like her. Never enough. Antonio only saw her as a friend, he felt sorry for her. That was it.

"Say the word and I'll get rid of her"

She turned and saw Dante next to her. She was about to ask what he was on about but he glanced in the direction of Antonio and Lilly.

"She's everything I'm not" Emilia whispered.

"Of course she is. She could never compete with you" Dante said.

He didn't mind Antonio but if the boy dared hurt his sister, he would just have to teach him a lesson.

"We can get rid of her" Matteo appeared saying the same thing Dante had said only minutes ago.

"I don't want a hit taken out" Emilia exclaimed.

"Of course not. That would be Damon's expertise" Dante replied making Emilia and Matteo laugh slightly.

"How did he like your essay anyway" Matteo added.

"He said it was good, I had a balanced arquement" Emilia replied.

"I bet" Dante muttered.

"Are we getting rid of her then" Matteo asked.

"No. Antonio is happy"  Emilia replied.

"Morning Emilia"  Emilia turned and saw Sophia and Daniel.
"I'm gonna go get my books, see you later" Daniel said kissing her cheek before leaving.

Matteo and Emilia glanced at each other when they saw Dante glaring. "Why must you show up everywhere I am" Dante snapped.

"Maybe because my best friend is your sister, don't worry I have no interest in you"  Sophia replied.

"Everyone is interested in me" Dante felt a little insulted.

"Well I guess they don't have good taste" Sophia replied.

Matteo slowly put his arm around Emilias shoulder and led her away. "Best give them space" he said once they were away.

"Yeah it's so obvious Dante likes her" Emilia replied.

"Yes and it's also obvious you like Antonio. Why not just tell him" Matteo replied.
"He only sees me as a friend, I don't want to ruin our friendship" she replied.

"Okay fine" Matteo said but he didn't drop the subject. He walked straight over to Antonio and Lilly.

He wasn't going to tell Antonio anything but he didn't like Lilly. She had to go.

Emilia rushed after him.

"Hey I'm Matteo, who might you be?" Just the tone itself made Emilia roll her eyes. Matteos idea of getting rid of Lilly was flirting with her.

"How was your weekend Emilia" Antonio asked ignoring Lilly who had introduced herself to Matteo. Matteo had Lilly batting her lashes and  even a hand on his arm in seconds as she laughed at a remark he made.

"It was okay, I'll tell you more later" she replied.
"Of course. I see you and Matteo are quite the matchmakers" he said gesturing to Dante and Sophia who looked to be argueing.

Matteo hadnt continued with Lilly, he noticed instantly how Antonio's attention went straight from lilly to Emilia, he even automatically got closer.

"Are you walking me to class Antonio" Lilly asked once she realised Matteo had no interest in her.

"Why would I do that" Antonio asked.

Matteo spotted his distaste for the girl instantly. It was one he and Dante used frequently.

"I thought we were close" she replied.

"No. We are partners for an assignment. Now go walk yourself to class"

"Fine are we meeting at the library at lunch"

"No, Im going to spend time with my friends "

"After school, my place?" She suggested.

"No . I told you we only do work in school." He stated.

"Wanna head to class Emilia" he asked.

Emilia nodded, she turn proceeded to say a goodbye to Matteo who said it back but rolled his eyes when he watched his sister and Antonio holding hands.

"How come you don't study after school with her" Emilia asked even though she had a short response from him on Friday.

"Well she obviously doesn't want to be just friends " Antonio replied.

"And you?" Emilia asked not knowing whether she truly wanted an anwser.

"No. I don't even like her as a friend" Antonio replied. What he didn't tell her was he liked someone else.

"Oh" she didn't know how to reply.

"Yeah she comes across as fake. I prefer studying with you" he replied.

"So I'm just a study partner now" Emilia joked as he had called Lilly a study partner.

"Of course not. We are....friends" Antonio replied. It hurt him saying friends but he wouldn't destroy their friendship. He didn't want anything to be awkward.

"So the weekend... " Antonio asked.

"Yeah everything is okay. I went with my dad to work, he let me help design one of his new restaurants. I caught a glimpse of his anger and although it scared me I'm glad I saw it, I know now he won't hurt me" she confessed quietly.

"That's great" Antonio said, he knew how untrusting she was, he knew that deep down she  trusted her father but he also knew she still suffered.

It was understandable though. A lifetime of abuse won't dissapear the moment she gains a new family. She needed time and plenty of it.

"Yeah it is. Im ready to fully heal"  she said.

"Does that include dying your hair" he asked remembering how much she liked it.


"You said you wanted to dye it when your brother pulled that prank. Maybe it can be like a new you thing" Antonio said.

"But it looked stupid. Luca he didn't like it" she whispered.

"Well first it didn't look stupid. It suited you, you looked.....(he sighed) you looked beautiful. And Luca is no longer about" .

Emilias cheeked reddened slightly. She hated feeling like this.

"Maybe" she quickly replied not wanting to focus to much on his words.

a little shorter than normal. I did have an idea for this chapter but completely forgot it.

No one mentioned it but in the last chapter and this chapter, the italics are important.

I'm ending this book soon apart from Emilia and Antonio, Dante and Sophia and finding out about the Mafia what do you want to see.
Also suggestions for Damon and Dante's common enemy? I miss writing their ruthless bullying

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