chapter 40

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Ok so I'm already on chapter 40 so I want to get a move on with this book so I can start the third book, demon. Also this chapter you guys get a bit of real life/true criminology facts.

"now class, this module will cover a range of subjects from theories of crime to name a few, biological, physiological and social , how the media responds to crime, different laws and different types of crime and of course we will look in depth of organized crime" 

Emilia and Antonio were already making notes.

It was the second day of school after break and they were beggining the topic of criminology.

Emilia found herself interested in the theories as the teacher began to list them more in depth. They were going over the module and stuff that would be covered.
She was looking forward to learning about different crime types too, primarily because she was starting to believe her brothers and father were in the Mafia.

(Just a quick note, she thinks they might be in it, not damon running it. It will be important later)

"You will be assessed on each topic, and homework will be given out to help build your knowledge" the teacher explained and then went through the assessment criteria.

Two weeks later

Nothing interring accorded over the past two weeks. She never told her family about the criminology course she was taking and life was starting to get better. However Damon and Mason rarely were home anymore leading her to believe they were involved in dodgy stuff.

Antonio was just a friend but the feelings she used to have were still there.

Over the past two weeks criminology had quickly become one of her favourite subjects.

She had learned about the theories of crime.

Biological - people commit crime because of genetic factors or a chemical imbalance.

Sociological - people commit crime due to who they surround themselves with. Peer pressure ect.

Strain theory - unable to achieve goals so turn to crime.

Labelling theory -  media labels you as a criminal you become one

Choice theory- the person will look at benefits and drawbacks to decide whether to commit a crime. Choose their behaviour

And many more.

Including studies such as the twin studies, although she found that particularly interesting she knew Lexi was abusive because she wanted to be. Alice didn't want Lexi growing up around violence, it was Lexi who started it.

They also looked at the xyy study and theory (supermale) where the man is born with an extra chromosome making them prone to crime.

(Damon hasn't got the xyy chromosome just in case some of you are wondering)

They looked at the difference between a pychopath and a sociopath .

A pychopath is maniplative,  likely to be educated with a good career. Their behaviour is controlled, meaning if they do commit a crime it's likely to be planned.  lack of guilt or remorse. Less likely to form attachments.

A sociopath can form relationships however they display erratic behaviour, unable to have a good career as they can't stick to a job, they are irresponsible and reckless and will most likely get in trouble often. Although they feel no remorse they can feel guilt in some cases. Not as harmful as a pychopath.

Both will display antisocial behaviour.

Today though they were looking at different types of crime.

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