Chapter 7- Ilu training 101

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You both decide not to talk about what happened yesterday although you can't stop thinking about it, what exactly did he mean by "I was afraid of my feeling"?what feeling?,you had many questions however you decided not to dwell on it too much as at least he is talking to you again which is a relief.Both you and Neteyam normally meet up after chores, today was no different.

Neteyam sneaks up on you shaking you lightly by the shoulders. Shocked you look back only to find Neteyam, You roll your eyes at him before asking him what he wants.Neteyam asks you to go over some more Ilu training stating"All warriors must learn all the tricks there is".You were a bit shocked he wants help as he actually picked up riding an Ilu very fast. You however decided to teach him by partaking in a race with him.The rules are simple ,You would give him a five second head start since you're in your words 'so amazing', the two of you must race between the main island and the southern island before Turing around and making your way back to the main island and you must do this all without cheating.

You both get onto your Ilu's sitting parallel to each other."Ready,Steady,Go!" Neteyam takes off leaving you behind after winking at you with a smirk plastered on his face, you continue to count till five and as soon as you reach five,You speed off trying to catch up to him and perhaps even over take him.Indeed it did take a while to catch up to him-He definitely has gotten a closer bond with his Ilu causing him to be even faster but you won't him win.When you did reach him, you decided to to be snarky with him and tap his shoulder.As he turned around you sped up so that you were now in front of him and he was behind you.You giggled, sticking your tongue out at him. You both continue to challenge each other the whole way through till reaching the southern island.Some times you would overtake him and sometimes he would overtake you-It was honestly a close call, You'd never tell him that though. Once you turned round to race back towards the main island, Neteyam pulled you off your Ilu and into the water-obviously he forgot about the no cheating rule.You smacked the water angrily"You're cheating!"you shouted. All he did was stick his tongue at you just like you did before.

Once you reach the main island after him you jumped off your Ilu crossing your arms."Really?" you eyed him. All he did was bat his eyes at you innocently. "I don't know what your taking about,Y/n"He leaned in close so his nose was almost touching yours.Frankly you were taken aback-You weren't expecting this from him.You pushed his chest, trying to peel his eyes away from yours. If he was going to push you then you were going to do it back.With all your force you push him into the water when his back was turned from you,"Ha, I am victorious" You shout triumphantly, Waving your arms in the air. He grabs your legs from under the water causing you to fall into the water along side him, He then grabs your waist prohibiting you from getting back up.You both splash water on each other, Laughter filling the air.Eventually you both get tired and decided to call it a day. You both sit on the rock off to the side just enjoying each others company.

You both chat for what seems like a while, he asks out of nowhere "Hey, why do you attend those combat training classes?".You ponder for a bit before stating "It is something I enjoy, I believe I can become a really strong warrior attending those classes is a way to improve my skill, protect my family you know"You chuckle at him before saying"Isn't that my job as the eldest child?".Neteyam chuckles back at you completely understanding where you are coming from, after all he is also the oldest sibling."tell me about it",he looks up to the sky."So, out of the two of you, who is older?"- he's referring to your twin, Ao'nung.You laugh loudly again."Who do you think?"You lean against his shoulder, both looking towards the sky.It is beginning to get darker now-Eclipse will fall soon.There is a comfortable silence before you try starting off your sentence"Just so you know- "Ao'nung suddenly appears, stoping you from finishing your sentence.

"I-I lead Lo'ak beyond the reef"he meekly says.



750 words

sorry its so short everyone :/,Exams are killing me, Ill be able to make a few more chapters on Saturday and Sunday since all my exams are on Thursday , Friday:(

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