"You won't know if you don't go."

"I'm fine with not knowing, Bruce. I wanna be done with high school. And I will be—just two more weeks."

"Do you have college in mind?"

"Princeton is my top choice. I also applied to Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Brown and Harvard. I probably won't get in."

"What do you mean? You have a perfect GPA and your academic achievements are outstanding."

"Thank you, Bruce. But it's not my grades I'm worried about. It's the financial aid. If I get a full scholarship, I won't have to worry. But if I don't, I gotta get a job."

"But you have a job."

"Working at a diner will only get you so far. I've been working there since freshman year. Trying to pull my weight to thank Miles and Layton for taking me in while my mom was back in Denver. But I'll figure it out. I always do." I nod. "You need your rest." I now lead him with me and we exit the room.


"Hey." Harvey greets and I turn my head.

"How was dinner with my mom?" I ask.

"It was nice." Jim grins.

"Good." I nod. "Gennaro Marx, single, sixty three. High school English teacher. Same exact surgical incisions as our last victim."

"What are the odds he's got no adrenal glands?" Harvey questions.

"So, what's he doing with them?" Jim wonders.

"No idea." I cross my arms.

"You should be with Bruce and Alfred."

"What?" I turn to him.

"Remember our deal. And I don't want you involved in any more of this. You've seen enough."

"Is my mom in there?" I gently hit his forehead with my fist.

"She agrees with me too." Jim nods. "You stay on the Wayne case and I do my thing."

"And your thing would be?"

"This." He glances at the dead body.

"Hey, that's my thing too." I smile. "We should be partners. Oh, wait, we already are."


"Bruce said he would call and he hasn't yet. Relax, Jim Jam, I'm following the rules."



"What do you got?" Jim asks.

"Your book where the victim taught English. Tell you one thing—girls didn't look like this when I was back in high school." Harvey comments and I kick his leg from under the table.

"Easy." He warns.

"I'm just sayin'."

"Hi, Brianna." Lee walks over.

"Hey, Lee." I grin. "Lee's our new M.E."

"Oh, good. You've met." Captain heads over.

"Oh, Detective Gordon and I already know each other." Lee informs.

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