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Four months later


I held my five month old baby in my arms as I kneeled down placing the bouquet of flowers in the tombstone.

A beautiful soul was left so soon from this world. May God forgive all of her sins.


A mother, a daughter and a good friend.

Jennifer died while giving birth to her son. Her family buried her in their ancestral home where she can rest with her mother.

The last couple of months have been a roller coaster. Damien got a death sentence . With all the crimes he has committed death is only a mere punishment for him. Rosaline was admitted to a psychiatric ward as she was mentally unstable. Juliana aka Claire  pleaded guilty in front of the judge and she has to spend ten years in prison.

When it comes to my family and friends Mia is pregnant for the second time and I couldn't be any happier. We were out of the moon when she announced her pregnancy.

Zac and Kate welcomed a baby boy two weeks back. They named him Daniel. Daniel Steve.

Ashley got married to her Italian hot boss and now they are in their honeymoon phase.

Christian and Eleanor shifted to our neighborhood along with Xavier who is only a couple of months older than Leander. I hope that she keeps her eyes off my husband.

Speaking of my husband, Adam survived the bullet and after he gained consciousness , his first question was where is his son? Like seriously, he didn't even ask for his wife.

Adam cried when he held Leander and despite his injury he didn't let anyone take his son away from him. He held for like two hours straight just staring at each other. And after that only he came to senses and asked for his wife. He forgave Jake after hearing his side of the story and now their bond is stronger than before.

Isabella and Adam are now in the process of catching up on the lost time they spent apart. Dylan and Isabella got remarried and Adam couldn't be any happier.

Jake is still being a playboy. Not committing to any girls saying relationships make men weak and he doesn't want to be anybody's slave. Like seriously??

Adam's hand wrapped around my waist breaking my chain of thoughts. Leander giggled seeing atbthe sight of his father. Adam scooped our son in his arms placing multiple kisses to his face. My shrieked in joy as he was getting the undivided attention of his father.

I cleared my throat announcing my presence and my husband looked at me guiltly.

He kissed my forehead as he embraced me in a hug.

" Are you ready to leave"? I nodded my head and he lead us to the car waiting for us.

Adam buckled our son in his car seat, pecking his forehead and closed the door of the backseat.

As he sat himself in the driver's seat, he looked at me with an unreadable expression and kissed me deeply.

" Ready to go home."

This was it. My life. My home. My husband and my son. They both complete me and I couldn't ask for more .
And I don't want to trade it for anything else.

I don't regret becoming  The Billionaire's Bride.


The end.

I will be uploading the epilogue soon.

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