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I yawned as I rubbed my eyes brushing of my sleepy state. My eyes darted towards the wall clock and it read 2 in the morning. 

Oh my god! I have been in my studio for a long time. I started my new painting this evening and it was still yet to finish.

I stretched my aching arms and massaged my shoulders. 


I came across a picture of the northern lights in Pinterest and I decided to paint a picture of it. Actually, it's one of the place in my bucket list. I have always wanted to visit there but didn't got the visit.

The night is still young. I should get some sleep. I will finish rest of the painting tomorrow. Now I am feeling so sleepy.

As I exited the studio, the events of yesterday night surged through my mind. Involuntarily a blush crept through my face. I can still feel Adam's lips on mine. 

I thought that after yesterday's episode, something had changed between me and Adam, but much to my dismay he started to ignore me. He went to his office way before I woke up and I am pretty sure he still hadn't gotten home.

Perhaps, he went to Jennifer. She is more beautiful than me. Successful and a model, confident women. She has everything Adam wants. She is a perfect choice for me. Unlike me, who is shy and introverted. Even though I am billionaire's daughter but I lacked confident and I am very much afraid to be in front of the camera.

Shaking my negative thoughts, I went upstairs to my room. I reached my door and was about to open it but I heard some noises coming from Adam's room.

I became paranoid. Did someone break into Adam's room? 

But how can someone enter here without having a key? I wondered.

I ambled towards his room and stood in front of his door. Did Adam came home? But I didn't heard him coming right?

Should I knock or just barge in? I could hear someone's heavy breathing. Is he hurt?

I pushed open the door and saw Adam sleeping form. But he was mumbling in his sleep and was panting. 

"Please.... don't hurt me." He mumbled as his head was tilting left to right. He was having a nightmare. 

"It hurts..... Please don't please." He was crying as his breathing rate increased.

It's not good, I should do something. I scampered towards his side and slightly shaked his shoulders.

"Adam... Wake up." I whispered lightly trying to wake him up from his bad dream.

"No, no no no. Please don't lock me in the dark room.  I hate dark. I will be a good boy." He continued to mumble. He was sweating profusely.

"Adam, baby wake up. It's me Isabel. Wake up." Tears formed in my eyes as I said those words.

"Please I am hungry." He mumbled again.

"Adam.... Wake up...." I yelled causing him to jerk open his eyes. He looked frantically and his eyed landed finally on me.


He was gasping for air, almost choking. I poured a glass of water from the jug and handed it over to him. He gulped it in one sip.

I placed the now empty glass on the bedside and sat beside him as he was leaning against the headboard with his eyes closed steadying his breath.

I slightly touched his shoulder to comfort him but he flinched under my touch causing me to withdrew my hand.

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