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Andrew was pacing back and froth  near the swimming pool in the backyard. Mia who was cradling  Axel in her arms while being seated in the pool chair  was watching her husband's every move.She looked down at her son who was on the verge of sleeping. 

"Andy, you should calm down. First you sit down and think properly. Whatever, dad decided was only for Drea's bright future only." Mia tried to enlighten his mood. But Andrew being stubborn and hot-headed didn't acknowledge Mia's comment.

"Why don't you or anyone understand anything? Adam is not what he looks outside. He is bad news. I don't want my baby sis to suffer because of him."

Mia sighed. "Look Andy what paparazzi says can't always be true. Don't forget what you were like before we met. You was just like him. A player."

"Hey!!! Don't compare me with him. I am not like him. I agree that I was a playboy before we met. But I am nothing like him." Drew protested.

"Okay. I  am not comparing you with anyone. But I am sure your dad must have something in his mind. Otherwise he wouldn't have even considered a deal with the Knight's." Mia said while running her hand through Axel's back.

Andrew rubbed his face with his palms and sighed." That's what I am thinking." He muttered. He knew he shouldn't have lashed out at Drea.

After Andrea announced her willingness Andrew lost  his temper and  and snapped at Andrea for accepting this deal and marched out of the dining room.

"You know, you shouldn't have told that awful things at her." Mia said breaking his chain of thoughts.

 He sat beside her and looked at his son who was peacefully sleeping in his mother's arms. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on his forehead. Andrew  draped his hand over Mia's shoulder and pulled her close to him.

"I know and I am regretting it." He muttered in her ears.

"You should say sorry to her." Mia said and Andrew nodded at her.

"I will. It's just that I can't see her suffer at all. You know when she was a child, she had difficulty in reading. Everybody thought that she was rebellious. I was the one who helped her in doing her homework. Nobody recognized that she has dyslexia. It took our parents time to recognize it. Since then I always had her back. I always got detention in school because I used to beat children who used to bully her. Dad and mom didn't know about this. I was the one who requested to my parents to get Drea home-schooled. " He smiled remembering all those  stuffs about their childhood.

Andrew and Mia break apart when they heard a large sob from behind. Drew looked behind and saw Andrea with tears falling down her eyes. Mia stood up and with Axel in her arms.

"I will just put Axel in his crib and come." Mia said to them and motioned Andrew to go Drea. She walked past Drea not before patting her shoulder and giving her a small smile.

 After Andrew marched out of the dining hall Drea started to cry. Maybe her decision will cost the loss of her brother, but she was doing it for her father who was always there supporting her. she was in a deep dilemma. She  has to choose between her father ad her brother. Her stood up from her place and moved around to come behind Drea and put both of her hands on her shoulder.

"He will come around. Don't worry. And I am sure he didn't mean anything he said. He is just disappointed." Her mother tried to reassure her. But she shaked her head.

"No mom. I can't loss my brother. I said yes only because for dad's happiness. Because I am not a perfect daughter. I can't help him in the family business. Look at Drew, he is a successful CEO, dad's descendant. While I am only an artist. You guys should be ashamed of me." Drea cried harder. Her mother enveloped in her arms.

"Don't ever think like at baby. You and Andrew are equal in front our eyes. No one is more or less. Understood?" Gianna asked.

 Andrea nodded. Her father was silent throughout her breakdown. He didn't know that Drea always felt inferior in comparison to her brother. Of course, he loved her more than Andrew.  But little did he know, Drea considered herself as a bad luck. Due to her dyslexia, he made sure that she didn't faced any media trial. It will only affect her badly. 

"Pumpkin, I am sorry I didn't know that you felt like that. We are not at all ashamed of you. In fact we are proud, how you are independent and a known artist. I am sorry for compelling you for an arranged marriage. " Her father apologised.

"No dad, you don't have to say sorry. I just wanted to do something for our family and our company. It's my decision to get married. And I assure  I will never let you go down." She tried to convince her father.

"Thank you pumpkin. It means a lot to me." Matthew patted her daughter's hand. "Now go and make up with Andrew."

Andrea nodded and stood up. She went in search for her brother. She was determined to change Drew's mind. Later she found herself eavesdropping Drew and Mia's conversation.

She always thought that her parent's were just ashamed of her that she was dyslexic. That's why she was home schooled. She always envied Drew got the opportunity to go to school while painting and music was her only outside world. It was one of the reason she distant herself from media. But after hearing Andrew's confession she felt bad for herself. Actually her dyslexia had changed into her biggest insecurities.

She couldn't control herself. She lounged herself in her brother's arm and started to cry harder.

"I am sorry Drew, I am so sorry." She apologized through her cries.

"Why are you apologizing Drea? It's me who should apologize. Not you. I am sorry my baby sis." Drew said to his sister while caressing her hair.

" No, Drew. I always thought I am a bad luck to you and that's why you guys didn't send me to a proper school. I didn't know that you loved me that much. I am sorry."

Andrew made her sit on the pool chair and sat beside her. He wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"Listen Drea I snapped at you back there, its because that I was disappointed. And I am sorry for a thousand times. If you wanted to marry him to fulfil dad's wish, then I will fully support you. But you have to promise me something. Will you?" Drew asked.

Andrea nodded her head. "What ever happens be it good or bad, you have to tell me everything. If you ever feel unsafe there, remember that I am just one call away."

Andrea smiled at her brother's condition. "I will Drew."

"Good. Then you have my blessings."

Matthew and Gianna who was standing at the balcony which gave them a clear view of the pool side watched their children's interactions. But Gia was a little bit scared of this whole marriage arrangement.

"Do you think that this is a good idea?" Gianna asked her husband.

Matthew after a moment of silence nodded his head. "I don't have any other choice. I made a promise to her  that I would protect Adam at any cost."

"But by marrying  Adam, Drea would cost her life." Gia couldn't control her anxiety.

"Andrea is a smart girl. I know she will mend Adam. He is the perfect choice for my princess." Matthew assured his wife.

"What if Adam doesn't agree to this?"

"Dylan knows how to make Adam agree to this arranged marriage."

"I hope so."


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