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" I had no idea that this day would come where I have to look at my son and feel ashamed." My father said as he marched around my office room in Knight Enterprises.

Jake my brother was standing leaning against the wall with a sad expression.

" Dad, you can't blame brother for this." Jake interrupted.

" Enlighten me Jacob, why can't I blame your brother for the downfall of our company." Dad exasperated.

Jake closed his mouth shut dejected. I looked down at my foot in defeat.

" Adam, I can't even look at your face right now. That much how I am ashamed to call you my son." He said as I smiled weakly.

" You are accusing me of something that I haven't done, dad." I said.

" Can you prove that to me? To the share holders? Do you have any proof to prove your innocence?" He asked as Jake scowled at him.

" No. I don't have anything to prove my innocence dad." I gritted my teeth.

Dad scoffed. " But I have every proof of you embezzlement, Adam. See here, it states that you have stealing from the company for the past two years. This is your signature right?" He said as he pushed a file in front of me.

It's true that every paper has a sign of mine and it clearly states that I have been stealing money. Whoever is behind this is a master mind. He or she have tricked me signing this document, and it has been going on for a long time.

" Do you have anything to say?" Dad asked as he raise his eyebrows at me.

Eventhough I have to prove my innocence in front of everyone but I don't have time for this because now my top priority is to find my son. This can wait.

" You can sell my shares on Knight Enterprises. I will sign away all rights from this company and also all of my properties will be handed over to you." Saying that I stood up from my seat.

My dad stood there gaping at me.

" I think that's enough for Knight Enterprises to not go bankrupt." I said calmly.

" If you do that you will be left with nothing." Jake protested.

I just smiled at him.

" I don't care."

" So you are not going to clarify the situation?" My dad asked as if he couldn't believe his ears.

" No dad, right now what I have to do is to is find my son. Other things can wait." With that I left the office.

I feel dejected grasping that my father didn't believe me. He forgot about everything that I have done for this company. I worked day and night to make this company a successful one.

Isabel roamed around the living room of my farmhouse with a warm smile in her face. It was her dad's idea to move away for awhile till the news of bankruptcy and embezzlement settle down.

Dad was able to shut up the shareholders and partners by saying that he disowned me.

" What are you thinking about?" Isabel's voice brought me back to the present.

" Nothing, just realising how much our lives have changed. Two months before we were so happy and excited to welcome our baby. But now look at us, no job, no baby nothing in my hands. Deep in your heart you must be cursing me right?"

" Adam, what are you talking about? I don't curse you ok.  I didn't marry you because you were rich. I vowed that I will stand beside you even when you are rich or poor. Don't think so low of yourself Adam." She scolded.

I pulled her towards me embracing her in a tight hug.

" I am so lucky that I have you, Isabel." I said as I pulled away from her.

She smiled sweetly as she kissed me deeply.

" I love you so much, Adam."

" I love you more, baby." I replied as I placed my forehead against her.

" Do you have any plans?" She asked and I shaked my head in no.

" Will you promise me something?"

" Anything."

" No matter what will happen you will look out for our son. Please don't stop searching for him." She asked as tears welled up in her eyes.

" I promise Isabel. Leander will be in our arms safe." I said as I kissed her forehead.


Third person's POV

" It was an unexpected situation for the Knight Enterprises as they have gone bankrupt in the middle of the night. According to the latest sources, Adam Knight, the CEO of the company have accused of embezzlement but there is no confirmation in the statement. Dylan Knight had confirmed that Adam Knight have been thrown out from the CEO positions due to the alleged rumour."

He couldn't control his happiness as he watched the news of the downfall of the Knight Empire. Oh how he dreamed about this day.

" Are you happy?" His partner in crime asked who poured him a glass of champagne.

" Ofcourse. I have been waiting for this day to come. Oh how I wish to see Dylan's face in front to see his reaction knowing that his son is a theif." He said smugly.

She handed him the glass of champagne clicking it with hers.

" I am glad that everything is going according to our plan." She said as she kissed his lips.

" Yeah. It happened all because of him. If he hadn't joined hands with us it wouldn't have happened."

" After all he is our son. Our blood runs in his veins, baby." She said as she took a sip of her drink.

" Don't you think we should celebrate this, darling." He said as his hands roamed around her body.

" Ofcourse my darling." She giggled as he peppered kisses along her neck.

The clearing of a throat break them apart. They looked at the source in annoyance.

The woman gazed at the nanny who was hired to look after the baby was standing there with her head down.

" What is it?" The woman was clearly annoyed because the nanny has interrupted their session.

" Sorry to disturb you madam, but the baby food have almost finished and also his diapers. " The middle aged nanny said in a whisper tone.

"So what? Go and buy those things by yourself or call him for those things and don't disturb us regarding that brat's matter. Now get out." She yelled at the nanny.

The middle aged woman scrambled out of the living room as to not to get anymore scolding from her employer.

The man looked at the nanny in suspicioun and he voiced out his concern to his partner.

" Do you think that we have seen her before?" He asked referring to the nanny.

His partner could care less about the nanny.

" What do you mean?" She asked irritated.

" No, I think I have seen her before. But don't know where."

" Darling, we see a lots of people everyday." She said as a matter of fact.

" I don't think so, I am sure that I have seen her somewhere." He said as he tried to remember her face.

" Forget about the nanny. Let's continue from where we stopped. " With that the woman went down on him.

Soon his suspicion flew away as the woman gave him a head. The four walls of the living room filled with their moans.


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