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"Did you see anyone getting in or out of the room?" Officer Shane asked Adam who was sitting quietly on the sofa with his head down.

Leander has been missing since last hour and we have searched every nook and corner of the hospital building.

Officer Shane sighed as he didn't get any response from Adam. He looked at Andrea, but noticing her state he gave up.

She was hysterical after knowing that her newborn baby went missing. I looked at Andrea and saw her crying out loud in the arms of her mother. Kate, and her mother were trying to calm her down.

Adam on the other side have a devastated look. Eventhough he didn't say but I know that he was blaming himself for the baby's abduction.

After realising that Leander was not in the room we questioned the duty doctor and nurse whether they have taken the baby for checkup or something. But they denied that they didn't step a foot inside Andrea's room. From then Adam have been sitting like a statue. He hadn't utter a word till now.

Kate called Andrea's parents while informed the police about the baby's missing. As Andrea's father is a powerful man he had the entire police force to search for the baby.

" Mr.Knight, I know that you are going through a tough time. But if you keep quiet like this we won't be able to find your son. Please do co-operate with us." Officer Shane requested. But much to his dismay, Adam didn't respond.

He is still looking at the floor with a devasted look.

Officer Shane sighed in defeat.

" Officer, give him some time. I will bring Adam to the station tomorrow morning. For now you have leave us. " I said as he nodded his head in understanding and left.

Andrea's cries echoed through the hospital room as she screamed in her mother arms.

" Mom, I want my son back. Please bring him back, mom. I want my son back." Andrea screamed like a mad woman. It's devastating to lose a baby.

Mathew Jefferson who stood in the corner of the room looked at his daughter with a failed look. Seeing your only daughter in a such a painful situation is worse.

" I want my son back. I want my son back. " Andrea yelled as a nurse came and was about to inject her but she trashed and screamed at the nurse.

Andrew came forward and forcefully held Andrea's hand as the nurse injected her, soon enough Andrea fell unconscious.

I looked at Adam who was gazing at Andrea with a painful expression. Suddenly he jumped from his seat and dashed outside.  I quickly followed him.

" Adam, stop where are you going?" I yelled at Adam who strode outside with large steps.

I wasn't able to catch up with him as he was practically running. Adam stopped when he reached the garden which was situated outside the hospital. Cool breeze hit my face as I stopped and breathed heavily.

Adam's back was towards me and his shoulder shook as he bawled his eyes out. My eyes welled up seeing my bestfriend like this.

This is not the first time that I have seen Adam cry. He is not a very emotional person so seeing him cry makes me wanna kill that who did this to you. I swear if I get that person who abducted my bestfriend's son will die in my arms.

Adam screamed as he trashed his legs as if he wanted to kick someone.

" Adam, calm down." I said as I held his shoulder to calm him down.

" Calm down, you want me to calm down while my son is missing and my wife is suffering. Why should I calm down because this is all my fault?" He yelled at me as tears rolled down his cheeks.

" Why are you blaming yourself Adam?"

His shoulder dropped as he looked at me dejected.

" Because I failed to protect him, Zac. I promised my son that no matter what I will protect him. But look, Zac. I broke my promise." He whispered downhearted.

" Adam, listen to me. It's not your fault.
Don't blame yourself. " I consoled him. More tears pooled in his eyes.

" Don't be weak Adam. If you feel who will take care of Andrea?. Think about her, Adam. She need you right now. Please don't shut her off." I consolidated him.

" I can't even look at her in the eyes, Zac. What if she blames me?" He meekly asks.

" She will not. Trust me. Now wipe that tears from your face. We have to find your son and make that bitch suffer who dare to take your son from us." I said determination lacing my tone.

Third person's POV

The young woman rocked the little baby in her arms. The baby was crying hysterically as if he was looking for his mother's comforting arms. Little did he know, he was miles away from his mother.

" Shhh. Don't cry, sweetheart. Just go to sleep." The young woman said sweetly as she rocked him to sleep. She was afraid that if the baby continues to cry like this the other people in the house might get angry.

"Why is this little piece of shit crying like this? Shut him up will you?" An angry voice yelled out causing the baby to frightened for awhile.

The woman who held the baby, looked towards the source and noticed that the older woman was gazing at the baby in disgust.

She rolled her eyes at her older version and said in annoyance.

" The baby is hungry and he is not here yet with baby food and stuffs." She said as she look down at the baby with a sweet smile.

" Don't get too much attached with the baby. Listen here, don't forget our real plan." The older woman snarled at her.

" I won't. But somebody needs to look after the baby. I can't stay here for 24 hours. Adam might get suspicious and I have to go back." She reasoned out. Unlike the other person she was a little concerned about the baby.

" Then hire a nanny or something. Tell him to find a nanny as soon as possible." With that the older woman left without even glancing back.

The woman sighed as she looked at the baby and noticed that he knocked out from all the crying. She despised the idea of kidnapping the baby. But they didn't have a choice. They vowed to make the Knights suffer. Abducting the baby is worst and if Adam came to know that she was involved in this, it will be the end of all of them.

She placed the baby in the crib as she admired at the sleeping beauty. He was an exact replica of Adam in everything. She wanted to hate this baby and make him suffer like what she felt. But the baby didn't do anything to her. The reason is that the baby has Knights blood running in his veins. The people who made her suffer.

She fished out her phone from her pocket and dialled the number of the person who can help her.

As soon as the person on the other side picked up the call she spoke.

" Hire a nanny as soon as possible."

I feel so bad about Adam and Andrea. Share your thoughts about the chapter.

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