Chapter 9-Her New Dreaded Home

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Matthew 11:28
[28]Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
"Good afternoon Ma" Ego greeted and Amarachi couldn't care less.
"Afternoon!? You were supposed to be here in the morning!" Sasha yelled.
"I'm sorry ma. It was traffic" Ego pleaded clasping her hands.
"And you!?"Sasha said pointing to Amarachi
"What do you have to say for yourself?"she asked.

"Sorry ma, traffic also held me down" Amarachi explained.
"This should be the last time the both of you come this late or else forget about your job" Sasha threatened.
Sasha hissed at the two girls and cat- walked back into the house while the girls followed her in.
"Make me food right now!" Sasha ordered Ego.
Amarachi already knew what to do and began cleaning the house.
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"Little girl!" One of Sasha's friends called out to Ego who was exhausted. "Yes ma" Ego answered wiping her wet hands on the apron she had on. "Get me another bottle of wine" she said and Ego went downstairs for the millionth time that day.
Mr Dami was downstairs with his friends as they watched the world cup.

Men with deep voices yelling from downstairs while squealing and screaming was heard from the girls upstairs. Ego opemed the wine shelf and picked a bottle of alcoholic wine.
She sighed as she climbed the flight of stairs to deliver the drink to Sasha and her friends.

"Guys let's go clubbing!" Sasha drunkenly said   as the other girls agreed. Ego carefully poured some wine to the lady who belched in her face.
'Ewww' Ego thought as she scrunched up her nose in disgust.
The glass Sasha was holding soon fell to the ground and shattered. She was really drunk.
"You.... come ..... clean this up" Sasha said warily as she hiccuped.
"Yes ma" Ego obeyed and quickly went to clean it up.

Forty minutes later
"Mehn I'm tired o" Amarachi said while she tiredly slumped on the huge sofa. Mr Dami and his boys had gone out to the bar.
'why go out to the bar when you have almost everything you go to the bar for in your house' Amarachi wondered.

"Asin... My feet are aching" Ego said
"I want to go home but she's sleeping and I don't want to go without taking permission from her" Ego added.

"Who cares about her. Shebi you said she was drunk? Then she won't even remember what happened today. Besides we never agreed to work all day here. I have school and other things to attend to" Amarachi ranted frustratedly almost crying.

"Sorry. At least you have school to go to. I can't even pay my house rent talkless of school" Ego said thinking about her whole life
"You  should be happy about your life, alteast you're not being forced to do something you don't want to do" Ego added.
"I am being forced to do something I don't want to do. I live with a man I don't want to live with" Amarachi said.
"Your husband?"
"Ewwww! No. He's my dad" Amarachi answered.
'Why won't she want to live with her dad' Ego thought to herself.

"What? I'll give anything just to see my dad's face again" Ego said surprised at what Amarachi had said.
"My story is a bit complicated" Amarachi said standing up.
"Anyway, enough of sitting here and doing nothing. I'm going home. I'll give Mr Dami a call tonight and tell him I left." Amarachi said as she packed her bags, Ego doing the same and they both left.

The street lights beamed at them and the moon had taken its rightful position in the sky. Ego took a glance at it as they walked. It was a full moon which she  likened to a paracetamol tablet she always saw her mother swallow.
'Heaven knows I've tried to stop her from taking those things' Ego thought sadly.

Peace and tranquility filled the air and Ego loved it. She wished she could stay there all night. All night away from all the burdens and troubles she bore, all night away from her mother and brothers, away from Sasha and her spoilt friends.

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