Chapter 21- I OVERCAME

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John 16:33
These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye may have peace. In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Ego stood in the queue of over a hundred students who were trying to register for the UNILAG nursing program . The aroma of freshly roasted corn and plantain saturated the air as some in the line crunched and munched on their food. Students chatting, officials yelling at the ones who were slow to grasp information, the whole place was rowdy-like a market place.
Ego never wished to go through this again.
She sighed as she peeped at the long line in ahead of her. She and uncle Emma had arrived late due the devastating hold-up in Lagos state.
Despite her annoyance because of the queue, she was thrilled to be finally going to school; scared about what the future held, but excited about her life. Things were beginning to fall into place.
Exhausted, the officials closed for the day and Ego was forced to go back home and return the next day.

Announcing to Chibuzor that he did not have the worry about paying her fees anymore was an excruciating experience for her. She feared she was taking him for granted. He maturely told her that it was alright, saying her uncle was in a better place to do that for her.
After Mrs Achebe had travelled back to the United States, news had reached her uncles and Uncle Emma volunteered to sponsor her education and that of her siblings.
Olisa was now attending the law school in Lagos while Emeka and Ebuka were in boarding school. It was hard on them at first, but such was life. They would all heal eventually. Ego had successfully aced her Jamb, with a score of 310.

Now, she was about to become a nursing student.
Five years later...
"With a first class in nursing, the best graduating student is ....." The man stalled. There was tension in the air and everybody anticipated who the best graduating student was. Amarachi and Olisa had graduated the previous year.

"Ego Jewel Nwafor!" He called and everyone screamed. Ego stood up with beams in her face. Favour embraced her as she congratulated her.
She walked up to the stage and collected her prize which was a cheque of a huge amount of money.

Blue lights shone from the fancy bulbs hanging on the ceiling. Wine glasses clicked, little gossips were being made here and there. Everyone was proud of Ego. Uncle Obinze, Uncle Emma and Mrs Achebe had organized a congratulating dinner for Ego to celebrate her success. Mrs Achebe's business was revived after financial support from her husband and brothers. This family was not bad after all. They loved each other but weren't the best at showing it.

"Ego!" Uncle Obinze's deep baritone voice called, distracting Ego from the picture she was taking with Amarachi, Favour and Nicole- Favour's two-year old.

"Sir " Ego answered. She noticed the smirk on Mrs Achebe's face and wondered what they were up to. "So, remember I told you I had someone in mind I wanted to introduce you to, you know, that might be my future son in-law?" Mrs Achebe stated in an interrogative manner.
"Yes?" Ego said, bemused.

"Well, he just arrived from London and he's here" Mrs Achebe announced.
"Everyone, there's someone special we'd like you to meet, most especially Ego" Mrs Achebe said, calling everyone's attention.
They all looked her way and a young man in blue suit and black shirt with turtle neck walked in. His hair was neatly cut, he had grown beards which were perfectly shaped.

Ego's mouth widened as she stared at him. He was strikingly handsome. His golden brown and clear skin glittered in the blue lights. She hadn't seen him in years. She stopped receiving his calls at some point and wondered why he stopped calling. She realized he was probably too busy for her and stopped caring.

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