Chapter 4-Marriage pressure

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Amarachi's heart beat was triple times faster than the normal rate as she got closer to her new dreaded home. She was forced by her father to leave Chibuzor's home and move in with him after so many years of abandoning her and her mother.

And now,she was working different jobs just to make ends meet for the both of them. He claimed to have changed and even though Amarachi never knew her father,it was confirmed by Chibuzor's parents that he was her father and even a DNA test was ran.

She was terrified of the man, who was in his early fifties.

She entered the house and met him on the couch,reading a newspaper.

Amarachi took a deep breath and said "Good evening Mr Daniels".

Even though he was her father, she made up her mind to never address him as 'daddy' or 'dad'. She didn't even have the same last name as him.

She took her last name from Chibuzor's family, where she had been brought up.

"Good evening Amara" he answered, she didn't like him calling her Amara, that was for her real family to call her, the Kalu family, the family in which she was brought up.

She was only here with him because of her mother's wish for her to reconcile with her father, that was what Chibuzor's mother told her.

"Goodnight" she said walking to her room. They lived in a small apartment.

She didn't spare him time to ask how her day was or anything like that.

"Are you not going eat anything?, I made food" he said and Amarachi felt so angry at the fact that he was trying to be her friend or her father, when he abandoned her all these years.

"You irritate me" she muttered under her breath as she entered her room and locked the door.

'I shouldn't have said that' she thought.

'But what was he thinking by making food for me, did he want to poison me?' All these were running through her mind.

She missed Chibuzor as he always encouraged her with kind words, reminding her that her God was not asleep.

He helped her with her faith in Christianity.

A call came to her phone and she saw that it was Chibuzor.

"Speak of the angel" she said and laughed at what she said.

Chibuzor had gone on a business trip.

She answered the call and said "hello"

"Hey Ama"

"How far na, how is your business trip?" She asked him.

"It's fine but it's very cold here and the weather changes very quickly" he said.

"Deal with it boy!" She teased.

'Boy' was something she loved to call him ever since they were little.

He was her annoying little brother.

"So how is Ego?" He asked and Amarachi remembered what had happened earlier with Ego.

'Miss Yinka went too far' she thought to herself.

"She's umm... fine" she replied.

They chatted a bit more before Amarachi went to bed.


'I'm so gone'

'How are my going to pay rent'

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