Chapter 19- New Mork.

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Jeremiah 33: 3
Call me and I will answer you, and I will teach you great and hidden things that you do not know.

"I only drank a little na!" Olisa tried convince his mother that he was not drunk.
"But I specifically told you not to drink any alcohol until you're twenty one Olisa. Why are you so disobedient!" Mrs Achebe chastised him.

"Mom I'm not drunk. I tripped by accident. You can ask Chibuzor" Olisa said pointing his index finger towards Chibuzor.

"Ma, I can assure he didn't drink much. I was watching him. He doesn't even reek of alcohol" Chibuzor explained to her and she felt relieved. She had thought Olisa was drunk because he accidentally tripped while climbing the staircase.
Truly, he had not drank much and was not drunk. That was infact his first time drinking alcohol- palmwine.

Olisa went straight to his room. He was exhausted from the day's event. The burial ceremony was over and the party had ended three hours ago but cleaning had to be done so the family members joined hands and cleaned the compound.

"Bia! We need to pray o. Ka anyị kelee Chineke maka the success of this burial(Let us thank God for the success of this burial)" Mrs Achebe said and ordered Ego, Chibuzor and Favour to go and call all those who had already gone to sleep.
Ebuka and Emeka were already asleep along with Amarachi, Olisa, uncle Obinze and uncle Emma.

"Olisa bilie! (Get up)" Ego said as she tapped Olisa fiercely on his back. He was already deep asleep. Ego tapped him harder until he finally responded.
"What?! Did arsenal win!?" Olisa screamed drowsily. He eyes were barely open and Ego stared at him resisting the urge to laugh.

"No o. It's Liverpool that won. My friend stand up. Mummy said we should come and pray!" She said hissing then sashayed out of the room. Olisa got up still drowned in his sleep.

He opened the door and walked out of the room. On getting to the staircase, he collided with someone. "Can't you watch your way?" The person said. It was Amarachi who was also drowsy. She was woken up by Favour.

"Oh I'm sorry" he said giving her room to go her way. She hissed and went downstairs while he trailed behind her.
The whole family gathered in the parlour ready to pray. Each took a sit on the chairs available clinging to the soft cushions. Some were already dozing off.
"Olisa give us some choruses" Mrs Achebe said and Olisa was unaware. He was sleeping on the chair, his body positioned in such a way that one would think he was listening and awake but he was not.

"Olisa!" Uncle Emma called
"Amen!" Olisa said jerking up from his seat. Everyone began to laugh. Mrs Achebe lead the praise session instead while Uncle Obinze prayed.
When they were done, they all ran to their rooms and crashed on their various beds.

"I love you forever mommy" Ego said as she placed her mother's wrapper on her brothers as a blanket then she went to sleep but not before shedding a few tears one last time.

The next day Ego was woken up by the sound of her brothers chatting in the room.
She opened her sleepy eyes and gazed at them as they spoke. Their backs were facing her as they sat on the bed so they didn't know she was awake.

"I miss mummy" Emeka said.
"Me too" the other replied sniffling.
"So who are we going to stay with now?" Ebuka asked.
"I don't know but I heard aunty Chineye saying that we will follow her back to her house in America, one place called new mork" Emeka replied
"It's New York not mork" Ebuka corrected and Emeka shrugged, "whatever it is. I don't want to go there"
"Why? That is America you're talking about" Ebuka said to his brother.
"I just don't want to go there, I won't feel safe and besides sister won't allow it"

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