Chapter 6-Housemaid

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Mark 11:24

[24]Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.


The rain had stopped and Ego was now heading home.

"Miracles on miracles,a million little miracles" she found herself singing the song that was played in Chibuzor's car.

She realised she didn't thank him for the ride. "Next time" she mumbled.

'Are miracles real?' She thought.

Her phone immediately began to ring and Ego answered the call not knowing who the caller was.

"Hello" she said and the other person replied "Hi you called me earlier".

From the person's voice, she knew it was a man. She quickly checked the number and realised that it was the same number she saw on the poster that said "housemaid needed".

Having come to realisation she said "oh yes! I saw your poster. You said you needed a housemaid and ....." She stalled.

She couldn't believe herself saying she wanted to be a housemaid even though she had done something like that before.

"And what" the man on the other side said, getting impatient.

Ego sighed and said "I'm willing to do that job Sir"

"Okay, we are actually looking for a cook, so can you cook very well?" The man asked.

"Yes" Ego affirmed, "okay then, come tomorrow by eleven o'clock and we'll talk about it" the man said and Ego was overjoyed.

"I'll have to test your cooking skills fist because I hate rubbish food" the man added. "Of course! Of course" she replied affirmatively. The man hunged up and Ego jumped in joy.

She sighed in relief and said "I'm not getting married to that old man. No way!"

The door made a squeaky noise as Ego opened and was greeted by the lit room. The lightbulbs were lit and there were new curtains. Fancy ones to be precised.

'Am I dreaming?'She thought.

She peeled her eyes of the lightbulbs and the curtains and was greeted by a man, who was grinning sheepishly at her. Her mother was trying to make eye contact with her and gave her that face that said "behave yourself"

"Welcome home my dear" the man spoke and it dawned on Ego that it was Mr Banjo.

Her brows furrowed in anger and confusion. "Thank you" she replied and hurriedly strolled inside the only room. She wished there was a cave or a tunnel nearby so she could hide.

'What was mama thinking? Bringing this old man to our house' ego said mentally.

Her mother got up to drag her back but Ego quickly ran into the room and locked the door. "Ego!" Chika yelled but her stubborn daughter ignored her.

Ego was greeted by her brothers who were on the bed, doing their school assignments.

"Sister good evening" they greeted. "Evening" she briefly replied and set her bag on the floor. She sat on the ground, her back resting on the door she had locked and began to think.

She hoped that she would get the job so that she wouldn't have to marry Mr Banjo and also break her family out of bondage.

Her dream of going to the university to study nursing seemed real if she married Mr Banjo but she just could not bring herself to do that even if she imagined.

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