Chapter 16-Umunoha

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Romans 12:12(AMPC)
Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.

"Eherm!" Uncle Obinze cleared his throat.
"We have broken as a family. We have been so divided in this family. It didn't start today. Right from mgbe anyị na-etolite (when we were growing up), we all had different ambitions. I wanted to be an accountant, Chichi wanted to be an architect, Emma you wanted to be a mechanical engineer, and Chika said she wanted to go into medicine. We lived together but it felt like we lived apart. We all achieved our respective dreams but Chika couldn't because she got married so early  when she wasn't settled as a woman yet all in the name of love. She ended up having beautiful children and gave up her career for her children" Uncle Obinze started and Ego was already in tears, even Mrs Achebe was sobbing quietly. Her sister was her best friend, even though they always had their differences.

"When she needed help we turned our backs on her ran to different countries. Only Emma managed to help her financially once in a while" Uncle Obinze added. An awkward silence fell and it pierced their ears. The silence was too loud.  It was deafening as it saturated the atmosphere.

"Obinze is right. We never treated her well. We never treated her like family. The moment she ran to me for help after Ndubuisi died, I told I couldn't help her and that she should go and meet her husband's people. And after that,I left the country and didn't call nor text her again. That was so wrong of me. I'm saying this here because I want God and Ego my daughter to hear me and forgive me. I hope you can find a place in your heart to forgive me, I have wronged you in unimaginable ways." Mrs Achebe said cleaning her tears as she gazed at Ego.

"I'm also sorry Ego. I know I'm the worst here. You are probably calling me ekwensu (devil) right now in your mind" Uncle Obinze said and Ego nodded in agreement and everyone burst into raucous laughter.

"How can they laugh during such a serious time? Or do they think I'm joking?" Ego wondered.

"All I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being a proper uncle to you and your brothers. I am sorry for not being a good brother to Chika. I deserve all the names you're calling me in your head" Uncle Obinze said chuckling.
"Ehhm... I am also sorry my dear, I know I am not innocent either. We are all sorry hope you can forgive us" Uncle Emma who was sitting close to her said.
Ego nodded even though she hadn't fully forgiven them.

They then discussed among themselves when they would hold the burial of their sister and mother of Ego. They agreed that the burial will be held at Umunoha village which was their village in Imo state near the city of Owerri.

A week later, they were all on a journey to Owerri. Ego's uncles, Franklin-Favour's husband, Ebuka and Emeka  had flew by air to Imo state and had already arrived while Ego, Favour, Amarachi, Chibuzor, Mrs Achebe and Olisa rented a bus to take them there because Ego was too scared to travel by plane. She had never been in one before so they all decided to go with her by road.

The past  week had been hell for Ego. She couldn't sleep right, she had lost her job at Sasha's place while Amarachi had quit working there because she couldn't take Sasha's disrespect any longer.
She tried so hard to gather herself and be strong for her brothers, always flashing fake smiles at people but somehow, Chibuzor could read through them.

He was in her house everyday. Trying hard to make conversations with her. His aim wasn't to ask her out or try to win her heart but be a pillar of support to her, a good friend that she needed. But each time he tried he got shunned or yelled at.

"Huhhh! Remind me again why didn't listen uncle Obinze's advice, I would have been resting by now!" Olisa complained.
"Bruhh can you just chill! You've been complaining since we entered this bus and it's really annoying" Amarachi said in annoyance. She hadn't really been getting along with Olisa. Maybe it was his cocky and playful attitude, or his American ajebo attitude.

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