10-A certain battle

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You put away your dagger, soul gem, and health potion. The gem will be used as a defensive item with a special incantation your grandfather taught you.

The doors open majestically revealing ahead a platform. There are two centurions still in resting positions, inactive, you walk down the platform and see the bandit appear from behind a centurion. He walks inbetween the the two centurions. You stop in the middle of the platform drawing your sword and readying your shield. You approach slowly.

He laughs "you actually made it this far? I kinda just ran past anyone stronger than me. Im almost scared. Almost. You could have done the same..."

You sprint at him. The platform he is on ascends into the air revealing strange aetherium powers at work. Underneath the platform is a giant aetherium stone. A rock of pure power that has the ability to bend objects to its will. It rises up into the air revealing its pure majesty. Its as tall as a giant. As wide as a standing stone

The bandit puts on a dwarven visor. A console of blue buttons and levers opens before him. Suddenly the 2 centurions activate. They march a step forward simultaneously. You look from left to right taking a step back out of fear.

The bandit raises his hand straight into the air and then points down at you screaming "ATTACK!!!"

The centurions come to life. They both fire steam at you. You block with your shield running forward until you exit the steam. You are injured greatly from the attack and collapse immediately.

You're still conscious but the centurions approach.

You take out your grand soul gem and whisper the incantation. It floats into the air releasing an electrical charge that fries the centurions. They both collapse to their knees. The bandit frantically taps on the blue buttons and smacks his visor. The soul gem falls to the floor shattering to pieces.

You stand up biting the pain away into your lip and equip your dagger throwing it at the bandit. It lodges into his shoulder and he falls down in pain. You run up to a centurion stabbing straight into its chest. The tip of your sword taps against the centurions core. You kick the pommel of your sword sending it deeper completely destroying the core. You grab your sword ripping it away and then shield bashing the other centurion

In one swift motion you slash down
Onto its huge head. You hit it over and over denting its dumb skull until eventually your sword snaps in half. You kick it in the chest and it falls over dead.

You fall to one knee and feel the pains of the steam. You quickly guzzle your health potion restoring your health. You stand feeling amazing

You approach the bandit that has a dagger sticking out of his shoulder

He stands and points at you with his hand that has your grandfathers ring


He cannot see your imperial face under your steel helmet

With whatever blade is left of your broken sword. In one swing you cut clean through his fingers sending your grandfathers ring flying through the air. You catch the ring mid fall.

The bandit falls to his bum pleading to the gods "I BEG YOU, HAVE MERCY BY TALOS!"

What do you do?

*SPARE HIM(move to chapter 11-mercy)*

*KILL HIM, USE THE DAGGER! (Move to chapter 11- condemnation)*

A skyrim interactive story: retrieve your stolen ringWhere stories live. Discover now