4-Run across the plates!!!

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You take a few deep breathes and jump a few inches up and down preparing yourself. You sprint down the hallway with the pressure plates setting off every trap known to dwemer kind dodging spinning blades and spears.

A spider is released from a vent in the wall but you are too fast for it to catch you. it gives chase.

You reach the door at the end of the hall and open it up quickly closing it behind you. The spider smashes into the door and proceeds to peck at it with its claws frantically. You lock it with a piece of metal and begin to walk away breathing heavily. You have entered some kind of dwemer storage room.

Its filled with parts and pieces for all types of dwemer automatons. As you walk deeper into the room a dwarven sphere is released from a vent in the wall. You quickly crouch behind a dwemer bust. It fortunately did not see you.

What do you do?

*RUN UP TO THE SPHERE AND ATTACK IT HEAD ON (move to chapter 5-bravery)*

*SNEAK PAST IT INTO THE NEXT ROOM (move to chapter 5-coyness)

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