8-Punch her hard

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Before she can deliver the blow you punch her in her skinny belly. She kneels over clutching her abdomen and dropping the blade to the side. She gasps for air. You grab the dagger and stab her in the chest releasing the dagger. She falls onto you limp. you quickly throw her off.

You jump to your feet drawing your sword as the remaining 2 argonians surround the dead argonian. They ignore you and begin cutting up her body and starting up a fire.

You feel like you're going to be sick.

You dive into the water hoping they didn't notice the splash. Swimming as fast as you can unable to see if they are behind you or not since the water is too murky. You exit out of the waters surface gasping for air and clamber out into the exit. You slam the doors shut

(Continue to chapter 6-read that note)

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