"I-I am going to freshen up and pray" she announced while Michelle was observing her incase Noor was acting strange but she didn't find anything and simply nodded.

Going towards her room Noor let out a shaky breath as she wiped her forehead with trembling hands.

Noor concluded that maybe Leo got shot during the shot out when they were comin out from the shop.

Sure she hates him that doesn't mean she wants him dead or be shot.

Walking towards the shopping bag that's been placed in her room she took out a dress and took it with her to the bathroom as she takes a shower.

She spent a bit longer in her shower to calm her nerves down with the warm water raining through the shower head as it made contact with her skin.

After the shower, she did her ablution and wore the dress she took out.

She came out wearing a forest green desi one piece while drying her hair with the towel.

It's been a while she wore another piece of fabric other than the two clothes she usual wore and it made her refreshed.

The material of the clothes were really comfortable the dress was light as well as loose hiding her body curves under it.

The style was really simple yet elegant to wear anywhere. She is really satisfied and grateful with the dress Michelle picked for her.

Noor layed down her new prayer mat to pray the Maghrib Prayer (When Sun setting down prayer) after seeing the outside through the window that the sun is setting down.

Raising her hand to make dua'a as she finished her prayer she asked her Lord to protect her from all danger and thanked Him ( Allah) for saving her today.

She figured such situations won't be the last time that will happen to her.

So she left her safety in the hands of her AlMighty realizing that she has no one that will or can protect her and Leo nor Jack will always be there to save her every time.

Her mind then got diverted to Leonardo. He saved her, again. The least she could do is pray for his recovery. 

After her prayer and dua'a she took out The Holy Quran that was bought. A warm smile appeared on her face seeing it and a feel of peace and safety spreaded her heart.

Its been two months since she saw The Quran let alone read one. With a Bismillah ( In the name of Allah/ God) she began reading to her heart's content.

Meanwhile, Maya came out of Leo's room and seeing her Michelle and Jack rushed to her and asked about his condition.

" The bullet was almost near his heart and he lost a lot of blood. Any later and his life will be critical. He is resting for now " Maya sighed with a troubled expression after treating Leonard's wound.

Hearing it their face relaxed. They know that getting shot is nothing new for them since they have been living with guns and bullets all their life and just has to be more cautious around their surrounding.

" Please freshen up while I prepare dinner for you all" the butler said and they nodded not before Michelle telling Maya to change Jack's wound.

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Noor came out from her room with a scarf covering half of her small body. She was actually wearing a gray dupatta that came with the dress she wore.

As a delicious aroma of food hit her nose, her stomach grumbled in response as realization hit her that she did not eat anything since morning!.

She decided to go to the kitchen and check who was cooking and saw Alex, the butler.

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