"I know my love,just calm down for me will you"...jae wook requested...

Well,this wasn't a sudden occurrence..it been happening for a while now..since 14 years ago...his wife would dream about a boy who happens to be their lost son....how and why she started having such dreams where unknown to them...

Not until they started noticing something weird in their son,jimin's behavior...

The boy would start crying out of no where and would start to laugh when he's not supposed to...

The Lord and lady of Aqua became worried..they went to the mountain to seek the great seers help..who after performing some rite told them that the emotions their son jimin felt wasn't his and it was that of his twin and Mina's dreams were a call for help...

That day they came to find out that their son was alive... somewhere...a place no one knew about..they were confused since they saw their dead son's body with their own eyes but the words of the great seer was nothing to think twice about...

Since then they tried solving the misery and the search for their lost son never sieze...thought the search yield fruitless result...they never gave up...

Few minutes later...in jae wook's hold...mina fell asleep...her husband laid her down while patting her hair to calm her down...

"Where are you my boy"..he couldn't help but wonder...

Just like mina....jae misses his son...


"Don't mess up,or else you will be fired"...Jin warned...as he passed a tray filled with some snacks and a milk drink to taehyung...

"Okay"...he answered simply while following the guard who was to show him the way to the prince room..

After the kitchen was a long corridor which lead to different areas in the palace....the left side was where the guard took and of course he followed behind..the area was magnificent and filled with guards...

**He's mighty and all..why did he need this much guard"...taehyung scoffed internally...not understanding the ways of the palace...

"Is the crown prince really that terrible"...the white haired couldn't help but ask the guard who was walking in the front....

"What!!"...the guard whispered yelled..

"Are you out of your mind"..if glare could kill..taehyung would be 6feet already...

"Be careful so your eyes won't pop out...I only ask a question...you should answer not glare"...taehyung said shrugging his shoulders..

It been a week since he started working in the kitchen...he has finally left his hell of a home and also bid his flowers friend and grandma goodbye..not after promising to always visit when ever he get the chance....

During his stay..he heard alot about the crown prince...how he's cold and hot like hell...what a contrast...he thought...

How he never smile and hardly speak...

How he's gaze could burn and roast one alive...

And of them all..how he's handsome,hot,sexy and smart..

He heard lot of maid fantasizing  about him,wanting to be his wife or being in his bed and he had wondered if they've really got nothing to think with their heads...

Taehyung loves cooking...a good reason why he took the offer and the best reason...to leave his house..he wanted to escape...start a life of his own...he's gone through a lot...he had always seek freedom...and finally..he got it...The palace was his best hiding place....

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