Chapter 21

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My head was spinning with all the blaring alarms, flashing lights, and the rush. Everything and everyone was a blur. I blinked and blinked till everything became clear again. I feel like my body is going to give out in exhaustion.

Why can't I just have a time out?

Christian tugged at my hand. "C'mon, Ace, we got to get out of here." He urged me forward.

I nodded lazily and picked up the pace. I was fighting so damn hard for my body to not just shut down and collapse. But it was getting harder and harder with each minute. I clutched onto Christian's t-shirt which I was wearing but it only got worse as we got closer to the exit.

It was getting harder and harder to walk because of my six inch heels I was wearing. But that really wasn't the problem because they were actually comfortable but it was weird 'cause I hadn't walked in two fucking days. And if Christian wasn't holding my hand I would've lost my balance quicker than jelly.

My teeth were chattering like crazy and a trail of goosebumps rose as shrivers ran down my spine as if it were at a marathon. I exhaled deeply and stepped outside the warehouse.

Everything was white— so white, all covered in snow. I think I might've gotten an allergy to the colour white by now.

"It's a dead end," I sighed out of relief and disappointment. I mentally facepalmed. What did you think, Kiara? It's not like a McDonald's was going to pop up in the middle of an icy wasteland.

"Thanks for telling me the obvious." He responded flatly. I lazily rolled my eyes with each and every ounce of energy I had left.

"You can show some emotion, it's not illegal." I tried but to my utter demise he didn't show any emotion. I wasn't even going to act surprised.

I've had to bare his emotionless face since I was a kid and trust me it doesn't get better especially when I feel like punching his face after remembering all those times he used to steal my ice-cream.

And this was the moment in my life I wished I was back in India because I never had to deal with such harsh cold weather. I even shiver like hell during mornings in Chicago and now this is— it's all too much for me.

As I removed my heels from my poor feet, I suddenly felt my skin come in contact with cold metal. I clutched onto Christian's arm and shut my eyes hoping it was not what I was thinking it might be.

But I knew better.

My breathing turned shaky so did my balance. I took a deep breath and slowly turned my head over my shoulder and found myself staring at a rando who was holding a gun to my head.

My face turned completely pale as I looked at Christian for help. He sighed rolling his eyes which were filled with a  faint hint of amusement. I wanted to gouge his eyeballs for being so irritating.

He finds this situation amusing? It is not really amusing when your being held at fucking gunpoint.

"What's so funny?!" I hissed at him, careful to the gun held at my head.

"Nothing," he stifled his grin but answered when I glared too hard, "I never thought I would be the one saving you from a gunpoint instead of keeping you to one."

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