Chapter 11

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After dinner Declan told me that running away will not be taken lightly, that there will be a punishment. That Aaron has arranged a punishment. He told me to be ready at 6am sharp.

I shiver at the thought of waking up at six.


I open my eyes feeling cold water splashed on my face from both sides. I snap up and put a hand on my heart.

"God, you fucking scared me!" I yell at Noah and Ezra. They each were holding a bucket of water.

"You weren't waking up and it's 6:20." Noah shrugged.

"You guys were supposed to be my favorite." I make a disappointed noise, shaking my head.

I smirk looking at their guilty faces. I stand up from the bed, cold water dripping everywhere.

"It wasn't me okay, Aaron said to wake you up so Ezra came up with this idea," Noah pointed at the buckets. "I had no hand in this. I'm still your favorite right."

Ezra made an offended face, grunting "Traitor"

"I'm not going to clean the mess you guys made. So clean it. Now." I gave them a beaming smile and shut the bathroom door in their face before they could protest.

"Come fast or else Aaron will get mad" Ezra yelled to me in the bathroom.

"Yeah, yeah" I yelled back.

I quickly shower and change into a sports bra and sports leggings.

I jog downstairs to see Aaron downstairs with his hands crossed. I'm honestly quite shocked that he's wearing something other than business attire.

"Come on." Aaron motions me and the boys to follow him to the backyard.

He orders Felix, Ezra and Noah to continue to do their regular routines.

"Now for you," He points at me after dismissing the boys. "Start ten laps around the backyard."

I look around the backyard and curse mentally it's enormous. I can't even do 2 laps here before dying.

"What about five?" I try to reason.

"Seven" He says, looking directly into my eyes.

"Five, please." I give him my best puppy eyes.

"Don't give that" Aaron groans, "Six, final. If you give me those eyes again I'll double the laps."

"Okay" I nod in victory.

I fall on my knees from exhaustion, taking big gasps of air. I look up, my eyes squinting due to the sun. I've only finished three laps and I already feel like I'm dying.

"Come on, get up Kiara. Only three more." Aaron calls out.

"Yeah" I say.

I take a deep breath. Come on, you can do it. Only three more. I stand up and start the laps.

After three excruciating laps. I do a little victory dance, in my head.

"Done!" I announce to Aaron, heading towards the house. He catches me before I leave.

"Okay. Now do-" He stops, looking at me, examining me. "Five push ups."

"What no! I thought it was only laps." I exploded.

"It is what it is." He shrugs. "Running away isn't taken lightly."

I huff, looking at him baffled.

"Come on, this is the last exercise. Finish it fast and you're done."

"Fine." I grumble walking to the mat.

I quickly do the push ups. I know half of them were not even close to push ups. I sprint out of the backyard.

I slouch down on the couch. Ezra on his laptop doing God knows what. Noah was playing Mario Kart. Felix was in the gym or somewhere out of the house as usual. Declan was at work. Aaron didn't go to work today, since he was assigned to punish me.

"You look like hell." Ezra snickers.

"Is it that obvious?" I groan, sinking into the couch.

"Yupp." Noah replied.

"Great." I grunt, throwing my hands in the air.

"You stink, go take a shower." Felix enters the room with his favorite scowl on his face.

I've come to the conclusion that the scowl is his soulmate, it never leaves his face

"I don't stink, idiot." I replied with a matching scowl on my face.

"You do, dummy." He walked off to the kitchen before I could respond.

"He's kinda right Kia, you do smell." Ezra says.

I huff, getting up. "I'm going to freshen up." I announce to the boys, skipping to my bedroom.

I take a sniff of my armpits once I'm in the safety of my room. I scrunch my nose in disgust, a bitter look taking over my face.

I look to the imaginary camera on my left. "And that was the worst decision of my life."


Aaron tucked me in. "You know, you don't need to tuck me in every bloody night." I say frustrated.

"It is my duty as your big brother. I won't repeat it again." He kisses my forehead. "Goodnight sorellina."

Aaron refuses to let me sleep if he doesn't tuck me in. It's getting on my nerves. I've been sleeping all by myself for almost 8 years. I don't need anyone to tuck me in as if I'm some fragile child. I'm fucking 15 for God's sake. I've dealt with horrible monsters since I was a child.

I shake away the bad memories of the 'horrible monsters'. I don't want them to resurface. I don't think I can deal with the pain and the depression again. I'll break. And I can't break again, I won't let them see me vulnerable. I can't.

I have buried those memories deep down and I have no interest in digging them up ever.

You are a monster.

My mind screamed at the mention of those memories.

I try to bury them again. I tune out my past by thinking about the present and future, cause that's all that matters.

I scream in my pillow realizing that school starts tomorrow. I'm not ready to socialize, I'll never be.

"Why?" I look up to the ceiling. "Why God, why me?"

I guess hell starts tomorrow.


No but like really hell starts on the next chapter. The drama's starting.
Gym fit is at the top. Ignore the cardigan.
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