Chapter 14

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"Hey, Kiara, wake up!" Dustin shook me urgently. "The teacher will kill you and me both!"

I opened my eyes lazily. It's maths class the most boring class of the whole day. What else was I supposed to do? It's not like I solve sums. They're way to complex for me. So I had no other option than napping.

"Class, pay attention!" Mrs Roberts yelled at our poor souls. "Today we have another new student. We seem to have a lot these days." She gave me a look.

I gave her a bitter smile in return. It's not that I like her as much as she does. She's taken a dislike to me since the day I arrived here. And I'm not going to keep buttering her till she likes me. If she doesn't like me, then she doesn't. It's not like I'm very fond of her too.

Mrs Roberts asked the girl to enter the classroom. I didn't pay attention to what's going on. I kept on doodling on my book.

"Hi, I'm Daisy Ray. I'm new here." The girl introduced.

I perked up on that. A smile took over the bitter grimace on my face. The teacher advised Daisy to sit next to Penelope. But instead of listening to her she walked up straight to me.

"Hey, you, get up." Daisy ordered Dustin.

Dustin looked around. "I was here first." He stood his ground.

Daisy glared at him. He got up to sit somewhere else. Daisy sat down looking pleased. She looked quite scary if i was honest. I would too be intimidated if I was Dustin.

"Kiaraaaa." She squealed losing her intimidating demeanor.

"Daisyyyy." I pulled her in a bear hug.

"Would you girls keep it down?" Mrs Roberts said, irritated.

"What if we could not." I challenged, getting annoyed.

"Then get out of my class and do whatever you want."

I smirked at that. "Let's go, Daisy." I pulled Daisy along with me.

"Gladly." Daisy waved bye to the class as I dragged out of the class.

We both burst into fits of giggles as soon as we exited the class.

"That was so badass." She cleared her throat putting on a serious face.

We both regain our laughter. But start giggling again, uncontrollably. I pulled her into a hug, once again.

"I missed you soooo much." I dragged on so.

"I missed you too, ikea."

I pull apart and dramatically gasp. "No way. You did not just just call me ikea." I shouted at her like I just caught her cheating on me.

She nodded with a ridiculous grin on her face. "Yes way."

"Don't you dare say that in public."

"Say what?" Noah said from behind me.

I shrieked, falling back in surprise. Noah caught me before I got reunited with my long lost friend.

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