Chapter 1

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I groan at the sound of the alarm, I grab my phone and hit the stop button. As I sit up on the bed leaning against the headboard and stare at the wall in front of me and think of all the life choices I've ever made in the most miserable fifteen years of my life.



I snap out of my thoughts at the second alarm of the day.

It was 6:15am.

I tend to get distracted very easily and that leads me to zone out and that is why I have several alarms in the morning. I did not need these stupid alarms before the separation of my parents.

My dad and brothers always took care of me since I was a child, I was their 'little princess'.

"I hate my life" I whine to myself, forcing myself to roll out of bed.

I showered and got freshened up in the span of 15 minutes, I can't stay in the shower for a long time to drown in my sorrows. Cause apparently it gets very suffocating for me, one day I stayed in for too long it ended up with me fainting.

I changed into my uniform. A white t-shirt and a plaided brown frock over it and my school school boots/shoes.

I checked in mum's room quietly and released a breath I didn't know I was holding. Thank goodness she was not home yet. She has not come since two days, she must be still hanging out with her druggie besties.

She can stay with them forever for all I care. I stopped caring about her since I was seven, the first time she layed a hand on me and broke my little heart again for the third time.

She hated me since I was a child, she never cared for me or liked me.

She did not like any of her children for that matter, but she hated me. And there is a huge difference between not liking and hate.

I've always wondered did I do something wrong to her to make her hate me.

Is it because I'm a girl?

Am I so hard to love?

Or because I am me?

I stopped wondering that after a while because it was pointless.

That phyco bitch is a disgrace to the beautiful word 'mother'. I despise her so much.

It was always my dad or brothers who were always there for me, but now I seriously doubt that since they also abandoned me. And I hate them for leaving all alone in this hell hole.


I yelled at myself pushing the bad memories away before they start to surface.

I sighed before continuing with the day. Checking the time it was currently 6:30am. Fuck I spent so much of my valuable time thinking about some asses.

After forcing myself to eat something even tho I was not hungry so that my stomach doesn't start to hurt.

I enter the balcony and try to enjoy the view of Mumbai.

The society where I live has the direct view to the beach, which is absolutely amazing. I sit on a chair closing my eyes I focus on the faint sound of the waves and the loud chirping of the birds.




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