140| You Light Up My Union

Start from the beginning

"But if we did, you're a bad girl." Shawn stated.

"They went through my underwear drawer!" Rachel informed.

Cory scoffed. "Oh, Rachel, that's just ludicrous, now."

Topanga marched over to her fiancée. "Did you?"

Cory's eyes widened and he immediately jerked his thumb towards his best friend. "He made me!"

"Did you?" Zoey demanded, raising an eyebrow.

Shawn looked down at his feet. "My name is Shawn and I have a problem."

Topanga turned to Rachel with a smirk. "Rachel, look how cute they are when they're guilty."

"Oh, come on. You cannot be mad at these guys." Zoey told her before she turned to the boys. "Apologize to her."

"We're sorry we went through your underwear, miss." Cory and Shawn apologized in unison.

"Okay? Is that okay? Now can they have their key back?" Topanga asked Rachel.

"No, it's not okay." Rachel stated firmly. "I feel like I don't have any privacy. I feel like I can't be myself in my own apartment."

"Hey, that's ridiculous!" Cory exclaimed.

"You can go back to being your bad self." Shawn added.

"Oh, Rachel, it's Cory and Shawn." Zoey pleaded.

"Cory and I are getting married and so are Zoey and Shawn. We're like family." Topanga said.

"Is that they you want it?" Rachel wondered.

Zoey smiled. "Let's all be like a family. Now can they have their key back."

"Fine." Rachel replied stiffly as she passed the key to Cory. "We'll be like one big happy family."

Once Rachel had gone back upstairs, Topanga and Zoey turned to their boyfriends and crossed their arms with an irritated expression.

Zoey flicked Shawn on the forehead. "Don't you ever go near her underwear drawer."

"Ever again!" Topanga added in frustration.

"Never?" Shawn wondered.


If Shawn and Zoey kissed kissed a lot before their breakup, it was nothing compared to what they did now. Whenever they weren't separated by something, they could be found in a rather passionate make-out session.

Topanga had taken a leaf out of Zoey's book and both couples occupied the couch in the apartment after their double date.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Cory asked.

"Yeah, I feel kind of bad." Shawn agreed as he pulled away from Zoey. "Rachel's alone in the other room."

"I mean, she was real ticked off about the diary and stuff." Cory said.

"Look, you guys apologized." Topanga told them. "She understand that you guys are our boyfriends and have every right to be here."

"You heard her, 'We're one big happy family'." Zoey added.

"Well, in that case. We got a lot more kissing to do." Cory remarked.

Their next interrupted came from Rachel as she walked into the living room, dressed in a rather... revealing outfit.

"Hey, guys." Rachel greeted.

Immediately Shawn and Cory's attention went to Rachel.

"Hey." Shawn and Cory said in unison.

"Oh, don't stop on my account." Rachel said as she walked down the stairs. "Remember, we're one big happy family. You don't mind if I play some music, do you?"

Rachel turned the stereo on and began dancing her way towards the sink.

"Rachel, what are you doing?" Topanga demanded.

"Dishes." Rachel answered.

"Don't stop. Do the dishes." Cory insisted as he and Shawn watched Rachel. "Scrub-a-dub-dub!"

Rachel smirked. "Oh, don't you love this music?"

"I do now." Shawn admitted.

"Rachel, isn't that a little cold?" Zoey wondered, gesturing to her revealing outfit.

"No! She's not cold! She's wearing slippers!" Shawn pointed out.

"You guys have a little room for me on the couch?' Rachel asked as she walked over to sit with them.

"Yes!" Shawn and Cory exclaimed, pushing their girlfriends onto the floor.



"Sorry." Shawn and Cory apologized, though they didn't sound remotely so.

Zoey slapped Shawn on the arm. "Stop looking at her!"

Topanga smacked her boyfriend. "Cory!"

"Oh, how can you be mad at these two? They are so cute!" Rachel exclaimed.

Topanga huffed. "No, they are not cute."

"They're pigs!" Zoey added.

"Oh, but it's cute when they look at my underwear as long as I'm not wearing it?" Rachel pointed out.

"I never thought so." Zoey grumbled.

"What about my diary?" Rachel wondered.

Topanga sighed. "What we were saying-"

"Wait, wait!' Shawn interrupted as he stood up. "I have a question! Are you gonna do the dishes some more?" With an irritated growl, Zoey smacked him up the head. "Ow! Okay, okay. We're leaving."

"We are?" Cory asked.

"Yes, Cory." Shawn told him.

Topanga held out her hand. "Give me your key."

"No!" Cory shouted.

Topanga reached into Cory's pocket and took it anyway before she pushed the boys out without another word.

"Okay, you're right. They're not cute. They\re pigs." Topanga agreed.

"And we were insensitive. We should have considered your privacy." Zoey added.

"No. I love the guys, I do." Rachel said.

"Yeah, they obviously love you, too." Topanga pointed out.

"No, I just don't want to be taken advantage of. I think we should set some boundaries." Rachel suggested.

Topanga nodded her head. "Well, we've learned our lesson."

Zoey smiled. "Yeah. The guys have, too. I'm sure they're thinking about it the whole way home."

The three girls smiled before wrapping their arms around each other into a group hug.

PUBLISHED: February 15, 2019
WORDS: 1392

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