Chapter 26: Family Fun

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Kion woke up with a yawn. Rani was cuddling against him, and Raja was purring in his chest. Sawa was snuggling with Rani.

(Sawa 1 day old, Sawa means, "Same, Swamp")

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(Sawa 1 day old, Sawa means, "Same, Swamp")

(Sawa 1 day old, Sawa means, "Same, Swamp")

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(Raja 1 day old, "Raja means, "King")

Kion woke up Raja. Raja opened his eyes, and giggled as he looked at Kion. Raja raised his paws. Kion lowered his nose and Raja grabbed it. Kion chuckled.

Raja smiled. Kion tickled him. Raja burst into giggles. Kion looked at Rani and Sawa. They were still asleep. Kion wanted to take Raja out, but he was to young. Raja couldn't even talk yet.

"Can you say Raja?" Kion asked. Raja just giggled. "Im glad your my son," Kion smiled. Sawa woke up with a yawn.

Sawa looked at Kion and Raja. She slowly stood up, but fell. Kion looked at Sawa. He gently grabbed her by the scruff, and set her in his arms by Raja.

"Hi Sawa," Kion smiled. "Dada," Sawa giggled. Kion gasped. He was her first word. Rani was still sleeping. Kion gently picked them up and put them on the ground off the rock.

"You guys want to play?" Kion asked. Sawa and Raja nodded. "Ok, I'm it, you guys run from me," Kion said. Raja and Sawa ran off, giggling. Kion ran after them, but slowly.

"Ahh you guys are to fast for me!" Kion lied. Sawa giggled. "We gonna win daddy!" She smiled. Kion stopped. Sawa had said a sentence. "C'mon daddy!' Sawa said. Raja still hadn't talked though.

Kion smiled and chased after them. Kion pretended to trip. "Oh no! You guys got me!" Kion said dramaticly. Raja and Sawa jumped on his back. They giggled, and Kion laughed. Sawa went to Kion's mane.

She went to Kion's mane, and snuggled in it. Raja walked to Sawa. He slept right next to her. Kion chuckled. Kion stayed on the ground. He couldn't move. He heard a chuckle.

Kion slowly turned his head. He saw Rani. "Told you, you would be a great dad," Rani smirked. "Yeah, thanks Rani," Kion smiled. Rani smiled back. "You won't believe this!" Kion shouted, but not to loud. "What?" Rani asked. "I was Sawa's first word! And she said a sentence!" Kion said enthusiasticly.

"Really?" Rani asked. Kion nodded. "What about Raja?" Rani asked. "He isn't saying anything yet," Kion replied. "He will soon," Rani smiled. She walked to Kion, and grabbed Raja and Sawa off his mane. She put Raja in Kion's arms. Rani layed next to him, and put Sawa in her arms.

Rani leaned against Kion and licked his cheek. Kion nuzzled her. "How did I get so lucky?" Kion asked. "Lucky with what?" Rani asked. "You, how could I be lucky enough to get you," Kion replied. Rani giggled. "You were the first person other than my mom to see through me, you were the first to want to help me," Kion said.

"Everyone deserves to he cared for, no matter what they have done in the past," Rani smiled. "I'm the luckiest lion in the world," Kion kissed Rani. "Not as lucky as I am," Rani smirked. She set Sawa on the Royal Rock, and put Raja next to her.

Rani smirked at Kion. "Up for a game?" She asked. "What game?" Kion asked. "You pick," Rani smiled. "I think I know one," Kion smirked. "Oh yeah? What?" Rani asked. Kion pinned Rani down.

"Figured it out yet?" Kion smirked. "I think you need to show me first," Rani gave him a flirty look. "Alright," Kion smirked.

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