Chapter 15: An Unexpected Visitor

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Kion, Rani, and Nala fell asleep. Kion actually let Nala sleep next to him.

Kion woke up the next morning, and stretched. He shook his mane out. Kion snuck away from Rani and Nala. He walked to the mountain pass.

When Kion got there, he saw a male lion about his age. He walked up to him. "Who are you!" Kion growled. "Jeez your aggressive," the lion rolled his eyes. "That's because I'm a psychopath," Kion growled. "Yeah I can tell," the lion said sarcastically.

"What's your name!" Kion shouted. "It's Akari," Akari replied.

(Akari 18, Akari means, "Light, Vermillion")

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(Akari 18, Akari means, "Light, Vermillion")

Kion looked him up and down. "Who rules this place?" Akari asked. "Rani," Kion replied with a snarl. "May I meet her?" Akari asked. Kion nodded. He led him to Rani.

They arrived. Rani and Nala were still sleeping. "Hey Rani!" Kion shouted. Rani jolted awake. "Yeah Kion?" She asked. "This lion, Akari asked to see you," Kion growled.

"Oh hi," Rani smiled. She stood up. Nala woke up from the commotion. "I was wondering if I could stay?" Akari asked. "Of course, all animals are welcome," Rani smiled.

"Even a psychopath?" Akari asked. Kion growled at him. "Kion, stay in control," Rani said. Kion did so, but gave Akari a death glare.

Akari left to give himself a tour. He smirked, "Kion, and Rani better be prepared, because life is about to get 100 times worse." Akari walked to the lake.

"Hey Biijuli? You there?" Akari asked. An eel popped out of the water. "I'm here Akari," Biijuli answered.

(Biijuli, Biijuli means, "Electricity")

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(Biijuli, Biijuli means, "Electricity")

"Get ready, this is going to be fun," Akari smirked. Biijuli went down into the water. "They better get ready for a war," Akari smirked.

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