Chapter 7: Restraints

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Kion extended his claws, and held them against Rani's throat. Rani didn't have the strength to fight back. Kion pressed his claws to her throat.

Sahasi went to check up on Rani, making sure Kion didn't try anything.

Sahasi saw his daughter, laying on her stomach, with Kion holding his claws to her throat. "No!" Sahasi whispered. He bolted to Kion and Rani.

Kion was about to take away Rani's life, when he was thrown off, again. Kion growled at Sahasi. Rani slowly opened her eyes, but didn't have the strength to stand.

Sahasi stood defensively over his daughter. "You are a psycho!" Sahasi growled. "Oh why thank you," Kion smirked evilly. He approached Sahasi, in a threatening way. Sahasi stood his ground. He wouldn't let this psychopath kill his daughter.

Rani saw her dad standing over her, and Kion approaching them. She mustered up her strength, and stood up. Sahasi moved. Rani fell, but stood back up. "Stop..this," She said weakly. Kion gave his psychotic look again. As quick as lightning, he grabbed Rani's throat with his paw. Sahasi was about to attack Kion, but Kion said, "You come any closer, and I kill the lioness."

Sahasi growled, but stood still. Kion smirked. He put Rani on her back. He took one of his claws, and ran it down her stomach. Rani screamed from pain. Kion's paw was covered in blood. Sahasi charged at Kion. Without thinking, Sahasi threw Kion against a rock. Kion stood back up. Sahasi threw him against it again. Kion was knocked out.

Sahasi checked his daughter. She was fine. Sahasi grabbed Rani by the scruff, and put her on his back. Then he grabbed Kion, and dragged him to the tree.

When he arrived, Nirmala was in the tree with Surak and Baliyo. Sahasi set Rani on the rocks. "Baliyo, get me some vines please," Sahasi asked. Baliyo ran out.

"Who is this?" Nala asked indicating Kion. "That's Kion, a psychopath, and the murderer of Rani and Baliyo's mom and my mate," Sahasi replied. Nirmala and Surak gasped.

Baliyo came back with vines. Sahasi took some heavy heavy rocks, and put them ontop of the ends of the vines. There were four vines, four rocks. Sahasi grabbed Kion's arms and legs. He tied the vines to them. Kion's stomach was on the ground.

Nirmala healed Rani. Rani saw an unconscious Kion being restrained by vines and rocks.

Kion woke up. He growled and pounced, but was pulled back. He looked around. He had vines at the end of all of his legs. Kion glared at Sahasi. "Dad is this really the way to go?" Rani asked. "Yes, this way Kion cant hurt you," They all walked to the back of the tree.

While they were talking, they heard a voice. "Guess what!" Kion said. Sahasi turned around. "What- uhh," Sahasi stood there shocked. Kion was right behind them, he has the psychotic look on is face. "He chewed through the vines," Nirmala whispered. Sahasi knocked Kion out again.

They made sure that the vines were extra thick so Kion couldn't chew his way out again. "I'll keep watch," Surak said.

Kion started to shift awake. He was restrained again. He gave Surak a death glare. "Uhh, guys," Surak said. "Yes?" Nirmala walked in. She was close enough to Kion, to where he could grab her paw, and bring her down. "Ahh!" Nirmala screamed. Kion held her down. "Let me go, or she dies," Kion smirked evilly. Surak panicked. Nirmala wiggled free of Kion's grasp. Kion growled. Nirmala ran to Surak. Kion roared, and Nirmala and Surak ran out.

A couple minutes later, Rani walked in. Kion glared at her. "Kion, may I ask why you are doing this?" Kion growled. "Ok ok," Rani shrugged. Rani walked back and forth, Kion followed her with his eyes. Kion showed his razor sharp teeth in a snarl.

"Kion, what's something that keeps you calm?" Rani asked. Kion lost control, and attacked Rani, but the restraints didn't let him get far. "Kion, why aren't you answering my questions?" Rani asked. Kion didnt answer. "Hello?" Rani said. "Because your questions are stupid, and I want to kill you!" Kion growled. "Fair enough," Rani replied. "Why dont you just leave me alone? I'll kill you first, or should I kill your dad first," Kion started pondering. Rani sliced at his face. Kion wasnt affected, and smirked at her. "Your gonna have to have sharper claws than that princess," he mocked. Rani grabbed his face with her paw. "Don't ever call me princess," Rani growled. She let go of Kion. "Fine princess," Kion smirked. Rani growled.

"Stop saying that!" Rank shouted. "Who's asking?" Kion asked. "Me," Rani replied. "What did you want again?" Kion asked. "For you not to call me princess," Rani replied. "That piece of information went through one ear, and went out the other," Kion smirked. He didnt realize it, but he was flirting with Rani, just barely.

Rani scoffed. "Come here Rani, I want to tell you something," Kion smirked. Rani raised an eyebrow, but went closer to him. Kion whispered in her ear, "I'm going to murder you, and the rest of your pride. You think theses vines can hold me, think again," Kion smirked. Rani gasped. Kion instantly ripped the vines apart.

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