Chapter 24: Keeping The Secret

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It had been a few weeks since Kion 'killed the cubs', and Rani's stomach was starting to grow. Kion started questioning her.

"Rani? Why is your stomach getting bigger?" Kion asked. "ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT!" Rani shouted. "N-No, I just was wondering," Kion backed away. "Sure sounded like you were calling me fat," Rani scoffed. Her plan was to lash out at Kion, so he wouldn't question it.

"I-I wasn't," Kion replied, slightly scared. "Don't ask about it again," Rani growled. "S-Sorry Rani," Kion apologized. Rani just walked off.

A few days later, Rani and Kion were sleeping in the tree. An immense amount of pain shot through Rani's body. "AHH!" Rani screamed. The cubs were kicking, and it hurt horribly.

"Rani?" Kion asked, "What happened?" Rani replied gritting her teeth, "Nothing, I rolled on a thorn, excuse me." Rani walked out. She screamed into the grass in pain.

Kion walked out to see Rani putting her face in the grass. "Rani?" Kion asked. Rani jolted up. She gritted her teeth, "Uh hi Kion." "What are you doing?" Kion raised an eyebrow. "N-Nothing," Rani stampered. She winced in pain has another pain shot through her, but she had to keep quite so Kion wouldn't suspect anything.

"Rani, is there anything you are keeping from me. Your acting strange," Kion said. "I'm not acting strange," Rani looked around panicked. "Yes you are, but I won't ask about it of it makes you uncomfortable," Kion said. "Thanks Kion, I love you," Rani kissed him. "I love you too," Kion smiled. He walked into the tree.

Rani screamed into the grass again. After a few minutes, the pain stopped. Rani walked back into the tree and layed on the rock next to Kion.

Kion wrapped his arm around Rani. "I hope Kion can accept the cubs," Rani sighed. She cuddled closer to Kion.

Rani and Kion woke up at the same time the next morning. "How's my beautiful queen doing," Kion asked with a smirk. "Aww Kion," Rani chuckled, "I'm fine."

"Your fine! Fine isn't good enough. By the end of the day, you will be so happy you won't be able to control it," Kion smiled. "Aww Kion," Rani smiled. She and Kion walked out.

Kion put a flower behind Rani's ear. Rani smiled. "Ok Rani, close you eyes, I have a suprise for you," Kion said. Rani nodded and closed her eye's. She put her tail on Kion's back so she knew where to walk.

Rani walked alongside Kion. "Ok Rani, open your eyes," Kion said. Rani did. She gasped. Flower petals surrounded a willow tree, and birds dropped a bunch of flowers on them.

"Kion, I had no idea you were like this," Rani said shocked. "Well, I'd do anything for you," Kion smiled. "Even have a cub?" Rani asked. "No, I already told you Rani, I can't be a dad," Kion replied. Rani sighed. She hoped that once she gave birth, Kion wouldn't kill the cubs for real this time.

Rani and Kion spent the whole day together. Suddenly, pain shot through Rani, and not kicks, the cubs were coming.

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