chapter thirty-nine

Start from the beginning

"Do you have a cover-up for that?" he asked as he poured himself a fuller glass, he put the bottle down and glanced over at the food sizzling on the grill, the aromas of the food was taking over their dining area. "No, this is my Yacht party swimsuit. You don't like it?" she asked confused, "Nah I do but I ain't there with you init so I only like seeing you in that when I'm there, get me" he said as he sipped his drink. She laughed "It's all girls, this trip is a boy free zone!" she said happily, he laughed "Good.. I wanted to ask you something" he said as he put his glass down.

"What's up?" she said as she twirled her straw around her drink, "Have you forgiven me for all the stuff that's..happened recently? Shit, even things in the past like me not knowing what I want and that?" Azrael asked as she looked at Acacia, she thought about his question, has she forgiven him for playing with her emotions in the past and what has happened with Pino. 

"I have, I've forgiven you for everything. I've moved past that whole situation of when we first started out and the recent stuff, honestly" she said sincerely as she grabbed his hand. "Are you angry with me about GB?" she asked, he shook his head "Nah man, yesterday I felt some way about it when I thought it was something else but I ain't pressed about a situation you had before us man. Past is the past" he said as he leaned over and kissed her cheek. 

That was the reassurance she needed. 

The best villa in Mykonos Greece was covered with big bouquets of white long stem roses and Diamond necklaces, earrings and bracelets beside them.

Siobhan was speechless, she admired the beautiful roses and the breath-taking diamonds. "You've done a lot Cristian, these earrings are gorgeous" she said as she picked up the velvet box. 

"You deserve the best Siobhan" he said as he walked over to her holding a glass of champagne. He admired the beautiful satin draped olive dress she wore which complimented her skin tone, "You look beautiful tonight" he said flashing his smile, it had been long time since Siobhan felt like this, being treated like a Queen. "And you look very handsome" she said with a smile as she rubbed his shoulders. He grabbed her hand and guided her on to the deck of the villa and there was a Chef and a waiter waiting to serve them.

"Welcome Mr and Mrs Rodriguez, please take a seat and your dinner is ready" the waiter said to them with a smile. "Thank you" Siobhan said as the waiter pulled out her chair. 

"Mrs Rodriguez?" she asked with a smirk as she took a sip of her champagne. Pino chuckled, "It's a little fun, that's all" he said shyly. "Do you see yourself getting married?" she asked him, Pino aka Cristian had never been married nor proposed to anyone. "I do. My life decisions made me avoid having a family but I'm ready to put mine back together" he said honestly looking at Siobhan. 

Siobhan was still thinking about telling Acacia that Cristian was her biological father but she knew the outcome of the situation could result in her loosing her daughter for good, their relationship wasn't the best and she knew this would be the thing to drive them completely apart. 

"That means me and Acacia?" she asked as she took a bigger gulp of her champagne. Cristian nodded his head, "Yes and Shia and Sade. I will never be a father to any of your children... I don't think my daughter will ever see me as her father but I would like to be there for her, she's about to get married and one day she will have children and I would like to at least be a grandfather to those children." he said, Siobhan nodded her head, she understood where he was coming from. "Have you given much thought to whether you will be telling her?" he asked, before she could respond the waiter brought over the food. The dinner attendees stayed quiet whilst he set their food out for them and refilled their glasses, once he walked away they continued. 

"I just don't see how I could tell her that.. you don't understand my relationship with Acacia, it wasn't like the relationship she had with her father. He was her entire world" hearing Siobhan say that William Tracy was Acacia's whole world hurt Cristian. He regrets not being able to raise his daughter and he know's she despises 'Pino' because of what he has done. "So you won't be telling her? I can respect your wishes" he said as he drank the rest of his champagne. He was hurt but he had a very good way of hiding that. Siobhan felt guilty she reached over to grab his hand and held it, "Forgive me Cris but we have to do what's best for our child. We make sacrifices for our children everyday" she said as she held his hand tighter. 

Usually, if Pino doesn't receive what he wants or if he doesn't get his way, especially since he is a man with so much power. Someone usually has to pay for that but Pino doesn't exist with Siobhan, he is simply 'Cristian' and would never hurt Siobhan or go against her. He knows one day he would be united with his daughter and he can finally be who he was meant to be with her but until then he would sit back and respect the woman he loves decision.

"Let's eat Siobhan" he said as he let go of her hands and reach for his cutlery. She sighed and done the same. 

As the night went on, they engaged in small talk, they reminisced about the past and even spoke about the future. Cristian wanted to spend the rest of his new legit life with Siobhan and Siobhan wanted to do the same. She felt like she could move on into a new relationship, a part of did feel guilty since this was the man she had cheated on her husband with several years ago but she had always loved Crisitian, she didn't know much about him but she knew what she felt was real. She just didn't know how to present her potentially new relationship to her children. 

"Your son Shia, he's been in prison for sometime now?" Pino said as he joined her on the curved couch picking up her feet and rubbing them. "Yes, it's been a few years now, he has about 7 years left" she said as she enjoyed her foot rub, Pino did notice a slight change in emotion when Siobhan mentioned how long her son had left. 

"Hmm, I have a few connections I can speak to a few people to look at his case" Pino said as he rubbed her feet and kissed her big toe. "Really? You would do that for me Cris?" she said as she touched her chest, she didn't want to get too excited but she knew Pino had amazing lawyers. 

"Leave it with me mi amor" he said, she leaned over and kissed him then the night took an expected yet exciting turn for the two. 

She thanked him in the best way possible..

Mrs inconsistent is back gang, expect chapters from me and get ready for the rollercoaster which is this book :P

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