Chapter 15- The holidays & the first bet starts!

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Author's note: Yo yo yo! thanks for everyone reading,, i know that wattpad has been off for a while .. .;'( such a bummer! But now i'm going to concentrate on this story! Hehe!! It made me really laugh , Chapter 14.. Anyway I always laugh at my own jokes because I am SAD ;D Anyway, hope you enjoy, If you like it, then please vote, comment, fan! (VCF- I JUST MADE THAT UP AHAHA )  :P 

Winter's dream... Chapter 14. -

The holidays & the first bet starts!


1.00 pm. the next day.

What the hell? I thought to myself.. I continued to watch television with Ashleigh, until she turned it off.

Her face was full of happy cheery smiles, unlike mine.. The depressed donkey. I get my moods off my dad, you see. He always pretends to be happy, then one minute when mum says 'no, i'm not ordering pizza today' BAM , he's gone into mad world.

"Mads, I know I'm not supposed to call you Mads, But I am.. Okay?" Ash asked like 'im asking you a question, but i'm answering it.. I'm just saying.'

"What happened to GaGa face?" I said, in a deep voice. 

"Well, I want Dave to think of me as a presentable, nice girl, who's not mean!"

"But you kind of are..!" Rolling my eyes, And huffing && puffing.

"Excuse me? I'm mean because I let my long lost friend inside my house to stay?"

"No.." Going into a high pinch voice.. thinking of what to say

"I mean, your horrible, because YOU want my boyfriend!" I screamed, and went outside in a hump.

Ashleigh's parents came downstairs, asking what had happen.

She replied ' Just hormones mum!'

I sighed, shutting the door. I didn't mean to get off at Ash.. I just-. No, I don't know. I hate people thinking i'm just parce the parcel.. Like a bet, get it?

-------phone beeps------

Opening my phone, there came a message from Finn.

How on Earth did he get my number? I asked myself... going into QUESTION land now.


KNICKERS ON THE CARPET! What is this?! Running round in circles..

Finn just asked me out on A D-A-T-E. 

Oh. -.- I guess this is the bet then...

Why don't I ever get a say in things? It's always blah blah maddy you have to! Geesh, I am a human you know! 

"Ash! Wait up!" I ran back in the house, calm and friendly :D 

"What? I thought I was Miss.Horrible!"

"Look, I'm just a bit angry, with you, liking my boyfriend.."

"But you like Finn!"  She roared

"Listen..; I sat down on the exquisite sofa pulling her on the seat. 'Look, I know I've been a right cow, mucking things up with Dave, but.. I don't know. You see? Some things just make me look like a clutz. I love Dave.. with all my heart! But the problem is Finn! I can't help it, because my heart beats too much when I'm with him.." I sighed, letting go of my breath.. Wow, i actually did a whole speech with holding my breath! YAY. Ahem...

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