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On one nice Fredas you awaken in your humble cabin. Upon rising you quickly notice you're door has been busted open and your valuables rummaged through.

A safe case containing your grandfathers special golden ring is missing. He had passed away recently so it matters to you.

All your food, plates, and books have been throw across your floor in random directions. You stand up quickly, stumbling on an empty pot, it goes flying into the air smacking into your wall at mach speed before slowly falling to the ground making a "tink" noise.

you regain your balance and head towards the desk your ring used to be on.

Upon further inspection you see that there is a note on your desk. You pick it up and read the hastily scribbled handwriting

"if you want your ring back, go to avanchnzel. We will only wait for a little while so better hurry"

You flip the page around

"Also we made a racket coming inside and you were still asleep.
poor, poor, bastard"

You fold up the paper and stuff it down your pocket making your way to your main chest.

You kneel down unlocking the chest with your key, its contents still inside fortunately. They must have not been able to pick the lock.

Inside of your chest is steel plated armor, a steel shield and sword, and one healing potion.

You consider your options:

*TAKE YOUR EQUIPMENT FROM THE CHEST AND RUN AFTER THE THIEVES (move to chapter labeled: 2-After them!)*

*CLOSE THE CHEST AND REPORT YOUR STOLEN GOODS TO THE GUARDS (move to chapter labeled: 2-Case closed)*

A skyrim interactive story: retrieve your stolen ringWhere stories live. Discover now