43. Angry Gandhari

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At least now, She will not forgive anyone who wronged her or her family. She also decided to share the burden of her husband's duty and started to actively participate in the court.

Now she earns the respect of most of the court and her own right to speak in it. 

There are also tremendous changes in her temperament. Before she was beautiful but she lacked the temperament of the queen because of her soft and gentle nature.

But now, She was standing in front of Kunti like a lioness looking at her prey.

"Huh!? I don't know what you are talking about, Speak clearly."

A natural aura of superiority was released from Gandhari's body, When she spoke.

She was in the Shiva temple since morning praying for protection for her family and that little guy who might have forgotten about her.

Now she just came out of it. She wanted to go back to her chamber but stopped mid-way by Kunti.

"So you don't know Queen? Your sons beat my son brutally, Even now, He is still unconscious. I need justice. Why did they beat my son like that? What would I do as a widow if something happened to him?."

Kunti started her dream, Tears flowed out of her eyes like a broken dam and she started to speak her grievance to Gandhari.

This is her usual act, First says about her problem and then reminds others about her being a widow of the time this trick works.

She in the last 7 years too changed, Before she at least had a little sense of sympathy for others, Which was shown when she had thrown Karna into the raging river...Wait never mind.

She always was cold-blooded, And now she has become even better at it.

"They are children, They play, They fight. It's common to get injured, While playing, Right Kunti?"

Gandhari realized what Kunti was talking about, Then gears in her mind moved. She looked at Kunti and said in a weird tone.

After all, these were words Kunti spoke to her when she first saw her injured children. If not for Pandavas were children. She really doesn't know what she has done to them.

Mother's anger can even burn gods, not to mention the mere demi-gods.

But she controlled her anger and decided to talk with Kunti. What she heard were these exact words. Not only that she was once again reminded that this world is not as good as she once believed, So her determination to protect her family increased.

It's just that because of the backlog of royal duties, She didn't have that much time to take care of her children. 

"That-...But *Sigh* I ask for leave, Queen."

Kunti realized She can't have her way with this mother hen, So she decided to go to someone else. 

Anyway, Although Gandhari is queen there are also people above her, Like royal teacher Kripacharya and Mahamhim Bhishma.

And "coincidentally" they both were on their side and there was also a Mahamantri Vidur, A royal secretory that was also pro-Pandavas.

"To whose mistake, Did Bheem get injured?"

Gandhari didn't get answers to all her questions yet, So she will not allow her to leave.

"I don't know, He was someone else. It was Mahamahim Bhishma, Who was there."

Of course, Kunti was not stupid enough to say it was an ally of the king who beat Bhima because if that happened then there will be a royal court held, Then she and her family's fate will be worse.

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