Chapter 24

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Donghyuck listened as Mark reminisced and explained pieces of their past together, his mind opening in realization of everything that happened.

"Do you remember kindergarten?" Mark questioned as Donghyuck lifted his hand, flipping it up and down as a 'so so' signal.

"Eh. I remember I was annoying," Donghyuck giggled for a bit. "And we were friends."

"I didn't think you were annoying. Actually, I found you intriguing," Mark stated with a little shake to his head as Donghyuck smiled shyly.

"Really?" Donghyuck asked, moving his body so that he was sitting criss cross on the bed in front of Mark who did the same.

"Yeah. I didn't talk that muc-" Mark was cut off.

"Those were the best days. Now you won't shut up," Donghyuck teased as Mark dramatically placed a hand on his chest, his mouth agape.

"I'm kidding~" Donghyuck leaned his face to give Mark a kiss on his nose.

The two of them missed each other. They missed joking with each other and just being in each other's presence.

"Anyway, I really liked you a lot and I wanted to be friends with you. We used to play imaginary games," Mark's eyes sparkled as he spoke.

Donghyuck clapped his hands, "I used to be the princess in the games!"

"Yeah, but that name surely aged pretty maturely. Didn't it, princess?" Mark smirked which made Donghyuck's cheeks flush red, looking down at the older's mattress as he drew lines with his fingers on it.

"Moving on," Donghyuck cleared his throat as Mark chuckled at the shyness that came from the younger.

"Well after all that, things started to go downhill," Mark rubbed the back of his neck as Donghyuck frowned.

"Yeah...we kinda starting hating each other," Donghyuck sadly spoke. "I-I never really hated you though."

Mark smiled sadly, reaching for the younger's hand to hold and caress the back of it with his thumb gently.

"That's where things started going downhill actually. I never hated you either. In fact, it was my father's doing," Mark stated.

Donghyuck tiled his head in confusion, which made Mark's heart skip a beat as he suddenly saw the five year old Donghyuck asking if he wanted the older to play with him.

That made Mark internally giggle.

He has not changed at all and Mark found it endearing. What did change was the younger's outgoing personality because now he was more quiet and it made Mark frown.

"What do you mean?" Donghyuck questioned, confused as he gave Mark's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"The last time you ever came over, my father and I kind of argued?" Mark said as he squinted his eyes at the memory. "Well more of like my father being homophobic."

"We were kids though. We didn't know what we were doing. We just liked being around each other," Donghyuck pouted and it made him wonder if the older's father is still like this.

Mark chuckled with a sigh, "That's what my mom tried to say but things happened and I ended up in the hospital because of him. I was threatened that if I were to be around you again, I'd be sent to the hospital again. So I had to make you hate me because...well you know, a six year old can't really fight against a grown man."

Donghyuck brought his hands to cover his mouth as he gasped. He felt his eyes prickling with tears, a single tear escaping his eye as Mark quickly used his thumb to wipe his cheek.

Baby Don't Like It (Markhyuck)|| completed Where stories live. Discover now